What about simply making gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery more affordable, or easier to get? I know a woman who spent her IRS return check on a tummy tuck (about $1,000-$2,000) and almost 9 months later she was back to her original size.

A male friend of mine got the gastric sleeve surgery late last year and has already lost 100 pounds, with that surgery they literally cut your stomach in half so you cannot consume as much food. If people are eating less that lessens the strain on our environmental resources, in addition to people being healthier. The only issue is that some insurances don't cover it and it is hard to get- my friend had to go through 'counseling' before the surgery to make sure he was getting it for the right reasons etc.
I'm not saying everyone needs to look like a model but the obesity rate in this country is ridiculous and healthy snack vending machines are not gonna cut it.