Sorry Charlie but my IVY league STEM degrees shyts on YOUR LIFE.
Where I work, IT is the fuccin help.
The Help?
And no one likes you IT fakkits anyways...
Do you have a security clearance?
How about a degree in Computer Science from a Top Ten university?
You're like a computer janitor.
Hit me up when you've got a $30 million dollar contract budget.
I'm glad that your limited skill set has enabled you to earn a living, but EVERYONE KNOWS that you don't need a degree to get six figures in IT. Shyt, even the Feds will pay your ICDC azz 6 figures if you have certs.
I'll be at The Game this year with my fellow alum while your greasy stinkin azz is runnin cable into a cubicle.
No offense to the IT guys who aren't azzholes, but y'all are some annoying fuccs.
Can't even write a line of code to save your life, but acting like you're more than a computer jockey.
You're like the guy who cleans the airplane trying to talk shyt to the pilot.
Boy bye. You cannot touch an engineering degree, certs or not. We making the next generation of chips run faster, designing the next Boeing commercial jet cockpit and you're on the Coli all day in between HELP desk calls.
You've have certs, I make discoveries. And yes there are Black women out here in STEM making $$$... you just don't know any, because you're just the HELP.

And no way are we fuccin with the help. As a matter of fact, my homegirls clowned thee FUCC out of a chic who actually was letting the IT guy spit game to her....

She was like what the FUCC you doing talking to the IT guy? FUCC wrong with you???
You might as well work at the car wash in the parking garage, cause WE DONT FUCC WITH YOU!!!