just your usual nerdy brotha
I've seen many black women in that section worship white men lol.The IR section does not "lust," after white men.The IR section inquiries about men who are not black.I swear for black women to dare talk about dating "other," especially white men in the black community is seen as the ultimate sin.Both black men and black women have a problem with Black women dating out and it's hard for me to wrap my head around it.I've posted in the IR forum once before.The topic I posted did not worship white men what so ever.I was just asking if other black women had the same experience with white men hitting them up on social media more rather than approaching them in real life.Some Black women were interested in my topic but then I got groans from other black women & some even talked sh*t to me.Like wtf?There are actually black women who have the same mentality as the Black Men who think that Black women shouldn't talk,ask,etc about a man unless he is Black.
WinningLoser is a name off the top.
There are many good women on that forum but we cannot ignore the c00ns in that section.
About the people you are complaining about who have issues with IR:
Blame the ones who date out and then talk shyt about the opposite gender.