At this point in time,there's billions of people on the planet right now, and human beings are the biggest threat to themselves. Sex is almost exclusively used as recreation at this point. The whole "humans are designed to be sexual beings" statement has it's roots in spiritual teachings moreso than it does in the realm of science. I believe it's a mixture of both spirit and science.
You know good and cotdamn well nikkas is not putting the p*ssy in the same category as a PS3:youserious: When I say "p*ssy" I'm not specifically referring to the body part, but the relationship and the process that makes up the experience.
But are you really gonna sit here and act like women haven't used their sexuality as a means to manipulate men into getting what they want? Are you really gonna act as if there isn't power in a woman's sexuality?:notserious:
Dude's should know better than to be tricking, but it's apart of reality and that shyt ain't going nowhere. It is what it is.
If the issue for alot of men on here is getting sex in the first place, then how are they in a position to turn it down? How can you turn down something you're not being offered? :WTF:
Alot of cats are taking issue with putting in work for a particular woman who's never required it from men before to have sex. The perception is that if that cat could get you for less, then I shouldn't have to step my game up to get you either.
There are definitely alot of cat insecure cats out here. I'll never argue with that. But nikkas ain't out here havin therapy sessions and shyt on some "I tricked on this bytch and she played me

" and nikkas like "fukk that hoe nikka
You gonna be alright pleighboi
Most men don't even make themselves vulnerable like that because they'll get clowned by other nikkas for getting played. Trust, dudes ain't out here looking for affirmation. Much of the shyt we deal with, we deal with it internally on our own with no support.
It's funny how you left out the rest of that sentence when it came to an equal exchange for both parties.

Unless you believe sex is only beneficial to men and not women?
You're pretty much proving my point here when I say that both Men and women place different values on sex. There are women who view it as a tool to upgrade themselves and there are men who use it as a way to judge a woman's character (There's obviously more shyt but this post is long already to detail them all). Both sides are putting a PERCEIVED value on it. Perception is 9/10 of the rule.
Where did you get the bolded from?
Nah,you can't marginalize this shyt in one instance and then place value on it in the next breath.
Human beings place value on things we deem important. We place value on our friendships, relationships, our finances, material possessions etc.Anything that doesn't have that PERCEIVED value is looked at as less important. You always hear people ask these questions "Why hasn't anyone wifed her yet?", "Why is this company always firing people?", "If this guy was such a good catch, then why is he single?", "How many owners has this vehicle had?" "What's wrong with it,no one wants to keep it?"
It's not insecurity, its perception. It's funny how people don't buy chewed gum, stay with an abusive spouse,buy worn out sneakers, or buy already slept in beds, but we treat our bodies and seeds with less regard
This shyt got long again. Cotdamn!