Leader of Asian male black female Relationship website BWAMU2, and AMBW Facebook groups Vouthynor "Billy" Sovann was convicted of murdering a young Black girl named Tatia Brennan. Tatia was stabbed over 40 times and bludgeoned with a sink, he body was found in the woods three days after she was reported missing by her parents.
Here is an article detailing the murder:
I've just been notified of this via the "the Love Life of an Asian Guy" Facebook page, but apparently his prior conviction was known by BWAMU members for years, and "V" has a large number of people (mostly Black women) who are very supportive of him. The details of his murder came to light after "V" came to the love life of an Asian guy page to defend another Asian man named Frank Powers who went on a rant about "N***ers"
Apparently V is very disrespectful to his Black female group members and has a long history of misogynoir. Allegedly a Black female member was SEXUALLY ASSULTED by his friends at his house party and another Black female was RAPED after meeting another male from his Facebook group. This group has also had members who have been left single mothers by these Asian men, been abused by these men, and these groups have even attracted pedophiles. He has defended many of the Asian male criminals that this group seems to attract and even posted a "RAPE PREVENTION" document on his site, because according to him, women are to blame for their rapes for putting themselves in stupid situations.
After the cries from many Black women on the website, "RAPE PREVENTION" has now been changed to "DATE SAFETY"