Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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May 25, 2015
The irrational Kardashian hatred.:wow:

The cognitive dissonance over weaves.:banderas:

The faux pro-blackness fuelled by their white woman envy/desire for white men (who aren't attracted to them).:bryan:

Black America is doomed if these people represent even 1/10th of the population.
They don't, the majority of the c00n, bedwench, black men hating posters on lsa are African, West Indian, Canadian, and British. Just like the majority of the nikkas that post on the Coli are not African Americans, but if anybody lurks either site and sees how self-hating the opinions are then AAs will end up takin 100% of the blame


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
The wm/bw thread is MONTHS older tho so statiscally speakin the bm/bw thread is doing better :pachaha:

Plus the wm/bw thread is a niche/fetish thread so its posed to do numbers. Like 90% of the men posted in that freak forum are black as far as I can tell, so the bm/bw is jus extra :manny:
Make a swirl thread before your own love. :what:


Jul 23, 2015
Gonna get negged for shyt but I dont care

Women are human in species name only, their behavior is not truely human like, they operate on emotions and simple impulses due to their different neuro makeup compared to men, at times it may appear as though as women are stupid but this is not true, their ability to use logic and reason is just impaired due to their emotion dominant thought process, women show many times in colleges and classrooms they arent dumb, but this is the problem a woman can only think rationally in short moments or when she wants to do something like scam a nikka out of cash, look for a nikka to leech off, pass a test etc. However this is a serious problem in human society, because of this mental illness women tend to cause nothing but destruction and chaos in human societies as proven by this feminism bullshyt destroying the family unit of course. Women have often been compared to children, but they do act like children overgrown children its kinda disturbing when you think about it, they have no accountability, they act like the world owes them something for having a p*ssy, and many of them have a princess complex(this is very dominant in white women) that makes them delusional to reality thinking they are some special amazing thing when they are just another woman. Often women will bytch at you for no reason at all this is because she wants an emotional reaction because it entertains her, since her mind is emotion dominant then she desires emotional situations rather than calm situations this is why bytchs hate nice guys because they dont create emotional situations at all. The thug nikkas usually treat them like crap which creates conflict in their female brains thus creating emotional fuel to live off, women will frequently bytch about their relationships because this is what they do, if your hoe aint arguing with you then that means she aint feeling you. This is why women will treat men they arent attracted to with pure indifference not even hatred or bytchiness just no emotion at all. On the otherhand they will nag men they want to fukk or simply fukk with them. Anyways because of this women are living drama causing machines, they love drama so they associate with people who have dramatic lives, they want live in a movie with them as the star.

Now the nikkas who dont bow to p*ssy get women off because women hate men that are p*ssy whipped because it means no conflict and drama at all, a nikka who fukks with her head and plays mindgames is exactly what she wants no matter how much she swears she hates playas or thugs, there are times when a nikka must cheat on his girl just to keep her its fukked up but they get turned on more knowing another woman fukked you because it make you more valuable to her.

Back to what I was saying, the human woman acts not like a human being but more similar to an ape than a human, this is because emotional reasoning is a thought process that apes and monkeys possess meaning women have more primitive thought process than men. Due to this thought process they have invented jack dilly shyt in comparison to men who literally INVENTED EVERYTHING YOU SEE AROUND YOU due our direct and rational thought process. The women in the tribes would bytch, nag, and fukk men while doing nothing if the men dont force them to work. See a woman plays an act where she pretends to be dominant to see if you is a bytch ass nikka if you pass the test the hoe becomes a submissive little slut for you to use. You see this everyday with the feminism crap that is result of white boys not slapping their bytchs in the face when they get uppity, then look the middle east and see how stable their families are compared to the feminized west. Look at Africa the women there can get jobs but never bytch about equality because they know their place. Hitting a woman(though it is illegal) actually turns them on, they love being dominated and used like a fukk toy by men and hate it when men fukk like a gentleman all sensual and shyt unless that nikka is good looking of course, they love rough sex being choked, slapped, dikk slapped, cum splashed in the face, being called dirty names, being gangbanged etc. They love being treated like wild animals basically and get turned on more when a man they are fukking thinks of them as a sex tool rather than a human being. Thats why you see these bytchs love thug nikkas so much because the thugs know how to treat women. A woman will like you more if you mock her and disrespect her, they get turned on when you start flaming them. See this is because this is no logical reason to treat a woman nicely or with respect at all unless its your fam of course. We can tell the difference in how men see women by analyzing their thoughts. A man in the club experiences LUST it means he wants the p*ssy, a man in the wedding room experiences LOVE it means he actually wants to spend time with this hoe. A man who can only feel lust sees women as fukk toys, a man must be capable of love to see women as anything other than fukk toys, the thug nikkas who beat the shyt out of you for fukking their bytch dont really love their women, no its a pride thing its like a nikka ejaculated on your hammer you wouldnt knock his ass out then. They see their woman as property that is reserved for their dikk and their dikk only and only mofo that puts his dikk in the property gets a whoop ass as punishment. A man in love however will usually start thinking the hoe he is dating is some angel from heaven or some romantic bullshyt and start getting obsessed with her, this turns the woman off because a nikka that is emotional about a woman is clearly a bytch ass nikka or what you call a SIMP. Most SIMPs are what happens when you nikkas that fall in love too fast, the reason some of us SIMPed in middle school is because as a teenager you ability to fall in love is at its strongest, when you get older you begin to notice you no longer give a fukk about kisses you just want p*ssy. Falling in love kills a man in a woman's eyes its fukked up when you think about it because love is the only reason a nikka will even raise his damn kids because a nikka must love the woman he fukked to stay long enough to raise the damn kids. A lustful nikka will just fukk the bytch and tell her to raise the kids on her own, the lustful nikka just wants p*ssy he dont care about no kids at all and it is this nikka that all black women want on a primal level(outside their consious control).

Now why are women the way they are? Women are the way they are because walking on two legs made pregnancies longer and made women more vulnerable, the men would have do the all the thinking and protect women, while the women would just crap out babies and nurture them. This caused the entire female gender to remain mentally behind the male gender to this day. We can see this because chimpanzee females can actually invent things on their own and male chimpanzees are only physically stronger and more violent than the females. Most animals are basic the males are more violent and aggressive while the female just have vagina and are calmer in comparison. Human beings is where gender differences go crazy though. In short the female human is a slave naturally that wants a man to tell her what to do, what to think, how to act, on their own a woman is no different from a wild animal, she needs someone to tell her what to do. Now there are racial differences in woman. The white women are the most submissive and emotional and this explains why nikkas like them so much because they are easy to control and much weaker than black women, the white woman due to being surrounded by a p*ssy male majority is like a crazy child crying about nonexistent problems(feminism). The European environment destroyed any chance of women ever being well human in behavior of the fukking seasons and shyt meaning men did literally all the thinking and women did jackshyt as a result the european white woman is the most useless human being on this planet and cancer to any society she inhabits. In comparison the asian woman is far more logical minded and competent than the european woman but still suffers from the same feminine behavior such as arrogance, self entitled beliefs, and of course thug loving. The black woman is different however, the simple unchanging environment in Africa meant that the nikkas didnt really have to give a damn about raising their kids since the woman could manage them fine as a result the black women are in an inbetween mental state of man to woman. A black woman with european DNA(african american) will act more like a white woman than an actual african woman. African women are submissive to aggressive dominant african men but they can live on their own just fine, and dont really need much directions to survive. A number of african tribes has very competent women in them. The african woman is a leader of the children of the community, she needs no man unless she hungers for sex of course, the african man is stronger more logical minded in contrast to the emotional state of the african woman. The african woman is inherently more aggressive and violent as a defense mechanism against african men, this is why a black woman is bewildered by white men who act so calm and p*ssy like because they are used to aggressive behavior from black men. The white man being calm however is clueless to the black woman's anger and violence, were he a black man he would straighten that bytch out but instead the white man allows the african woman to run wild and do as she desires. The african woman's dominance act is constant rather than an act in the moment, a black women must be constantly dominated by a black men to prove her worth to him, that is why you see bytchs who cuss out thug nikkas who knock them upside the head for disrespect, shes just checking to see if you aint a p*ssy that is all dont blame her. That is also the inherent root of the attitude most black women have, they dont like being dominated unless its from a man thats why they flip the script when another black woman tries to dominate them(cuss them out) usually by beating that bytch's ass. A woman is soft creature a weakling to the african woman, they see white women the same way a man sees a hamster, only a man can dominate them a woman that tries to dominate them will get her ass beat for attempting such stupidity. Black women will take alot of shyt from black men but the moment a black woman tries to pull the same shyt to them the black woman will cuss her out and toss her to curb. Similar to how a white woman will threaten a white woman that tries to dominate her, women only want domination from men unless they lesbians but they aint natural so who cares. A black man that acts similar to a woman is a woman to a black woman so she threatens him and cusses him out the same way she would treat a black woman on the street.

On the subject of thug nikkas. Why do women love them so much? Easy because thug nikkas are literally natural men, they act exactly like the men women evolved around, while nice guys act the opposite, they want the caveman rather than the businessman. The human man on its own is a thug who does what he wants and when he wants, when placed in society the human man must learn to control his thug like behavior or he will be imprisoned, in irony the women of the society desire the men who lack control over their thug behavior then the men with perfect control. Male Chimpanzees exhibit the same shyt human gangs do and that is reasonless mass homicides, territorial conflicts and aggressive behavior. Look at those chimps that is exactly what a human man acted like 500,000 years ago. Men are violent, confident, competitive, lustful lifeforms, a man who is not this is simply not a man to a woman, rather than court women ancient human men would simply gang rape them, thats also why women orgasm multiple times because the moaning is to signal other men to fukk them, in the times where human men were thugs women always submitted or they would be murdered or beat the bloodiness, refuse a thug sex and he simply rapes you snitch on him and he kills you. So did the thug behavior ever go away? No it just progressed with our intelligence, the white men showed their thug behavior to many races over the past centuries including ours, rather than send us back to Africa, the whites kept us in America as a boasting reason and to literally sadistically persecute us out of boredum this is thug behavior, white men going down in streets just hungry for murdering black people, the white man calmness is a farce, remove laws and white men become vicious murderous wild animals. The white race of today however are pacified compared to their thug like ancestors and basically a bunch of pussies except the blood thirsty redneck thugs of course. In terms of thug like behavior the asians have the lowest for some reason which explains why they act like pussies so much their own women want CACs instead of them its embarassing. The middle eastern dudes are thugs just look at all the chaos that happens in their lands, the exception are the Israelis who are pussies compared to the majority of middle eastern men, middle eastern migrants imported into Europe do that gangbanging shyt and go full thug and of course the european women love this and fukk them more than their own men. The Native american man are the second most thug like men on earth which explains why their countries are so fukking violent like Honduras and Colombia. Finally the black man is the most thuglike of the human races we blacks are the most masculine of the races thats why the majority of us black men are:
High Self Esteem
Battle Hungry
Hate cute shyt
Love Sports
Barely ever have depression
Trigger Tempers
Low Suicide rates

Yes blacks are the most thuglike of the human men meaning all human women of all races are attracted to black men on an incredible level, white women dont fukk us for our dikks they fukk us because of the primal attraction, any nikka put in a european country is guaranteed p*ssy, asian bytchs go for black dikk, indian bytchs go for black dikk, jew bytchs go for black dikk, middle eastern bytchs go for black dikk, hispanic bytchs go for black dikk, all women love the black dikk. One can be said this is exactly why some white men didnt want black men and white women to racemix because they white women would discover how manly black men are and tell their men to fukk off which is happening in US society today and Europe. The white men cannot understand why their women prefer us to them because they are praised to think their women are human being and not stupid children. The white men that act like thugs get the most p*ssy, before blacks the majority of white men had to be worried about their women sleeping with a biker, random tat dude in the bar, male bar tender, criminal, mafia member, now the white men must worry about black men because our natural masculine behavior effortlessly attracting their women. In Israel the arabic men get more p*ssy than the Israelis and this makes the Israeli men butthurt the arabs are just most masculine than the Israeli men leading to Israeli men beating up arabs, also in Israel african migrants get lots of p*ssy that causes the jews to lose their heads. In Sweden the Pakistani men get more vagina than the white, the Somali get more vagina then the Pakis. In Japan the CACs get more vagina than the asians, the nikkas get more p*ssy than the CACs. At the end of the day the black man gets the most p*ssy and dominates all the women in the country no matter where he lives. In slavery times the slave masters that would rape their black african female slaves would be more desired to a black woman than a regular white man this is because raping a woman is thug behavior and thus turns her on big time no matter how much she denies she didnt orgasm from it. When the CACs were real thugs that went around raping the women of races they conquered, the women would then submit to them rather than their own race because it appeared as though the CACs were more thug than their own race. The same applies to asians back when they were thugs in the mongol empire, nanking and the japanese empire.

The human female is a slave to the male gender, she acts with emotion rather than logic, cares not of the future but only of her personal destiny, does not want accountability, and will always desire thug like men

Tim Dripcan

Mar 25, 2015
Gonna get negged for shyt but I dont care

Women are human in species name only, their behavior is not truely human like, they operate on emotions and simple impulses due to their different neuro makeup compared to men, at times it may appear as though as women are stupid but this is not true, their ability to use logic and reason is just impaired due to their emotion dominant thought process, women show many times in colleges and classrooms they arent dumb, but this is the problem a woman can only think rationally in short moments or when she wants to do something like scam a nikka out of cash, look for a nikka to leech off, pass a test etc. However this is a serious problem in human society, because of this mental illness women tend to cause nothing but destruction and chaos in human societies as proven by this feminism bullshyt destroying the family unit of course. Women have often been compared to children, but they do act like children overgrown children its kinda disturbing when you think about it, they have no accountability, they act like the world owes them something for having a p*ssy, and many of them have a princess complex(this is very dominant in white women) that makes them delusional to reality thinking they are some special amazing thing when they are just another woman. Often women will bytch at you for no reason at all this is because she wants an emotional reaction because it entertains her, since her mind is emotion dominant then she desires emotional situations rather than calm situations this is why bytchs hate nice guys because they dont create emotional situations at all. The thug nikkas usually treat them like crap which creates conflict in their female brains thus creating emotional fuel to live off, women will frequently bytch about their relationships because this is what they do, if your hoe aint arguing with you then that means she aint feeling you. This is why women will treat men they arent attracted to with pure indifference not even hatred or bytchiness just no emotion at all. On the otherhand they will nag men they want to fukk or simply fukk with them. Anyways because of this women are living drama causing machines, they love drama so they associate with people who have dramatic lives, they want live in a movie with them as the star.

Now the nikkas who dont bow to p*ssy get women off because women hate men that are p*ssy whipped because it means no conflict and drama at all, a nikka who fukks with her head and plays mindgames is exactly what she wants no matter how much she swears she hates playas or thugs, there are times when a nikka must cheat on his girl just to keep her its fukked up but they get turned on more knowing another woman fukked you because it make you more valuable to her.

Back to what I was saying, the human woman acts not like a human being but more similar to an ape than a human, this is because emotional reasoning is a thought process that apes and monkeys possess meaning women have more primitive thought process than men. Due to this thought process they have invented jack dilly shyt in comparison to men who literally INVENTED EVERYTHING YOU SEE AROUND YOU due our direct and rational thought process. The women in the tribes would bytch, nag, and fukk men while doing nothing if the men dont force them to work. See a woman plays an act where she pretends to be dominant to see if you is a bytch ass nikka if you pass the test the hoe becomes a submissive little slut for you to use. You see this everyday with the feminism crap that is result of white boys not slapping their bytchs in the face when they get uppity, then look the middle east and see how stable their families are compared to the feminized west. Look at Africa the women there can get jobs but never bytch about equality because they know their place. Hitting a woman(though it is illegal) actually turns them on, they love being dominated and used like a fukk toy by men and hate it when men fukk like a gentleman all sensual and shyt unless that nikka is good looking of course, they love rough sex being choked, slapped, dikk slapped, cum splashed in the face, being called dirty names, being gangbanged etc. They love being treated like wild animals basically and get turned on more when a man they are fukking thinks of them as a sex tool rather than a human being. Thats why you see these bytchs love thug nikkas so much because the thugs know how to treat women. A woman will like you more if you mock her and disrespect her, they get turned on when you start flaming them. See this is because this is no logical reason to treat a woman nicely or with respect at all unless its your fam of course. We can tell the difference in how men see women by analyzing their thoughts. A man in the club experiences LUST it means he wants the p*ssy, a man in the wedding room experiences LOVE it means he actually wants to spend time with this hoe. A man who can only feel lust sees women as fukk toys, a man must be capable of love to see women as anything other than fukk toys, the thug nikkas who beat the shyt out of you for fukking their bytch dont really love their women, no its a pride thing its like a nikka ejaculated on your hammer you wouldnt knock his ass out then. They see their woman as property that is reserved for their dikk and their dikk only and only mofo that puts his dikk in the property gets a whoop ass as punishment. A man in love however will usually start thinking the hoe he is dating is some angel from heaven or some romantic bullshyt and start getting obsessed with her, this turns the woman off because a nikka that is emotional about a woman is clearly a bytch ass nikka or what you call a SIMP. Most SIMPs are what happens when you nikkas that fall in love too fast, the reason some of us SIMPed in middle school is because as a teenager you ability to fall in love is at its strongest, when you get older you begin to notice you no longer give a fukk about kisses you just want p*ssy. Falling in love kills a man in a woman's eyes its fukked up when you think about it because love is the only reason a nikka will even raise his damn kids because a nikka must love the woman he fukked to stay long enough to raise the damn kids. A lustful nikka will just fukk the bytch and tell her to raise the kids on her own, the lustful nikka just wants p*ssy he dont care about no kids at all and it is this nikka that all black women want on a primal level(outside their consious control).

Now why are women the way they are? Women are the way they are because walking on two legs made pregnancies longer and made women more vulnerable, the men would have do the all the thinking and protect women, while the women would just crap out babies and nurture them. This caused the entire female gender to remain mentally behind the male gender to this day. We can see this because chimpanzee females can actually invent things on their own and male chimpanzees are only physically stronger and more violent than the females. Most animals are basic the males are more violent and aggressive while the female just have vagina and are calmer in comparison. Human beings is where gender differences go crazy though. In short the female human is a slave naturally that wants a man to tell her what to do, what to think, how to act, on their own a woman is no different from a wild animal, she needs someone to tell her what to do. Now there are racial differences in woman. The white women are the most submissive and emotional and this explains why nikkas like them so much because they are easy to control and much weaker than black women, the white woman due to being surrounded by a p*ssy male majority is like a crazy child crying about nonexistent problems(feminism). The European environment destroyed any chance of women ever being well human in behavior of the fukking seasons and shyt meaning men did literally all the thinking and women did jackshyt as a result the european white woman is the most useless human being on this planet and cancer to any society she inhabits. In comparison the asian woman is far more logical minded and competent than the european woman but still suffers from the same feminine behavior such as arrogance, self entitled beliefs, and of course thug loving. The black woman is different however, the simple unchanging environment in Africa meant that the nikkas didnt really have to give a damn about raising their kids since the woman could manage them fine as a result the black women are in an inbetween mental state of man to woman. A black woman with european DNA(african american) will act more like a white woman than an actual african woman. African women are submissive to aggressive dominant african men but they can live on their own just fine, and dont really need much directions to survive. A number of african tribes has very competent women in them. The african woman is a leader of the children of the community, she needs no man unless she hungers for sex of course, the african man is stronger more logical minded in contrast to the emotional state of the african woman. The african woman is inherently more aggressive and violent as a defense mechanism against african men, this is why a black woman is bewildered by white men who act so calm and p*ssy like because they are used to aggressive behavior from black men. The white man being calm however is clueless to the black woman's anger and violence, were he a black man he would straighten that bytch out but instead the white man allows the african woman to run wild and do as she desires. The african woman's dominance act is constant rather than an act in the moment, a black women must be constantly dominated by a black men to prove her worth to him, that is why you see bytchs who cuss out thug nikkas who knock them upside the head for disrespect, shes just checking to see if you aint a p*ssy that is all dont blame her. That is also the inherent root of the attitude most black women have, they dont like being dominated unless its from a man thats why they flip the script when another black woman tries to dominate them(cuss them out) usually by beating that bytch's ass. A woman is soft creature a weakling to the african woman, they see white women the same way a man sees a hamster, only a man can dominate them a woman that tries to dominate them will get her ass beat for attempting such stupidity. Black women will take alot of shyt from black men but the moment a black woman tries to pull the same shyt to them the black woman will cuss her out and toss her to curb. Similar to how a white woman will threaten a white woman that tries to dominate her, women only want domination from men unless they lesbians but they aint natural so who cares. A black man that acts similar to a woman is a woman to a black woman so she threatens him and cusses him out the same way she would treat a black woman on the street.

On the subject of thug nikkas. Why do women love them so much? Easy because thug nikkas are literally natural men, they act exactly like the men women evolved around, while nice guys act the opposite, they want the caveman rather than the businessman. The human man on its own is a thug who does what he wants and when he wants, when placed in society the human man must learn to control his thug like behavior or he will be imprisoned, in irony the women of the society desire the men who lack control over their thug behavior then the men with perfect control. Male Chimpanzees exhibit the same shyt human gangs do and that is reasonless mass homicides, territorial conflicts and aggressive behavior. Look at those chimps that is exactly what a human man acted like 500,000 years ago. Men are violent, confident, competitive, lustful lifeforms, a man who is not this is simply not a man to a woman, rather than court women ancient human men would simply gang rape them, thats also why women orgasm multiple times because the moaning is to signal other men to fukk them, in the times where human men were thugs women always submitted or they would be murdered or beat the bloodiness, refuse a thug sex and he simply rapes you snitch on him and he kills you. So did the thug behavior ever go away? No it just progressed with our intelligence, the white men showed their thug behavior to many races over the past centuries including ours, rather than send us back to Africa, the whites kept us in America as a boasting reason and to literally sadistically persecute us out of boredum this is thug behavior, white men going down in streets just hungry for murdering black people, the white man calmness is a farce, remove laws and white men become vicious murderous wild animals. The white race of today however are pacified compared to their thug like ancestors and basically a bunch of pussies except the blood thirsty redneck thugs of course. In terms of thug like behavior the asians have the lowest for some reason which explains why they act like pussies so much their own women want CACs instead of them its embarassing. The middle eastern dudes are thugs just look at all the chaos that happens in their lands, the exception are the Israelis who are pussies compared to the majority of middle eastern men, middle eastern migrants imported into Europe do that gangbanging shyt and go full thug and of course the european women love this and fukk them more than their own men. The Native american man are the second most thug like men on earth which explains why their countries are so fukking violent like Honduras and Colombia. Finally the black man is the most thuglike of the human races we blacks are the most masculine of the races thats why the majority of us black men are:
High Self Esteem
Battle Hungry
Hate cute shyt
Love Sports
Barely ever have depression
Trigger Tempers
Low Suicide rates

Yes blacks are the most thuglike of the human men meaning all human women of all races are attracted to black men on an incredible level, white women dont fukk us for our dikks they fukk us because of the primal attraction, any nikka put in a european country is guaranteed p*ssy, asian bytchs go for black dikk, indian bytchs go for black dikk, jew bytchs go for black dikk, middle eastern bytchs go for black dikk, hispanic bytchs go for black dikk, all women love the black dikk. One can be said this is exactly why some white men didnt want black men and white women to racemix because they white women would discover how manly black men are and tell their men to fukk off which is happening in US society today and Europe. The white men cannot understand why their women prefer us to them because they are praised to think their women are human being and not stupid children. The white men that act like thugs get the most p*ssy, before blacks the majority of white men had to be worried about their women sleeping with a biker, random tat dude in the bar, male bar tender, criminal, mafia member, now the white men must worry about black men because our natural masculine behavior effortlessly attracting their women. In Israel the arabic men get more p*ssy than the Israelis and this makes the Israeli men butthurt the arabs are just most masculine than the Israeli men leading to Israeli men beating up arabs, also in Israel african migrants get lots of p*ssy that causes the jews to lose their heads. In Sweden the Pakistani men get more vagina than the white, the Somali get more vagina then the Pakis. In Japan the CACs get more vagina than the asians, the nikkas get more p*ssy than the CACs. At the end of the day the black man gets the most p*ssy and dominates all the women in the country no matter where he lives. In slavery times the slave masters that would rape their black african female slaves would be more desired to a black woman than a regular white man this is because raping a woman is thug behavior and thus turns her on big time no matter how much she denies she didnt orgasm from it. When the CACs were real thugs that went around raping the women of races they conquered, the women would then submit to them rather than their own race because it appeared as though the CACs were more thug than their own race. The same applies to asians back when they were thugs in the mongol empire, nanking and the japanese empire.

The human female is a slave to the male gender, she acts with emotion rather than logic, cares not of the future but only of her personal destiny, does not want accountability, and will always desire thug like men

neg for that long ass essay no one is going to read. :dahell:


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
Gonna get negged for shyt but I dont care

Women are human in species name only, their behavior is not truely human like, they operate on emotions and simple impulses due to their different neuro makeup compared to men, at times it may appear as though as women are stupid but this is not true, their ability to use logic and reason is just impaired due to their emotion dominant thought process, women show many times in colleges and classrooms they arent dumb, but this is the problem a woman can only think rationally in short moments or when she wants to do something like scam a nikka out of cash, look for a nikka to leech off, pass a test etc. However this is a serious problem in human society, because of this mental illness women tend to cause nothing but destruction and chaos in human societies as proven by this feminism bullshyt destroying the family unit of course. Women have often been compared to children, but they do act like children overgrown children its kinda disturbing when you think about it, they have no accountability, they act like the world owes them something for having a p*ssy, and many of them have a princess complex(this is very dominant in white women) that makes them delusional to reality thinking they are some special amazing thing when they are just another woman. Often women will bytch at you for no reason at all this is because she wants an emotional reaction because it entertains her, since her mind is emotion dominant then she desires emotional situations rather than calm situations this is why bytchs hate nice guys because they dont create emotional situations at all. The thug nikkas usually treat them like crap which creates conflict in their female brains thus creating emotional fuel to live off, women will frequently bytch about their relationships because this is what they do, if your hoe aint arguing with you then that means she aint feeling you. This is why women will treat men they arent attracted to with pure indifference not even hatred or bytchiness just no emotion at all. On the otherhand they will nag men they want to fukk or simply fukk with them. Anyways because of this women are living drama causing machines, they love drama so they associate with people who have dramatic lives, they want live in a movie with them as the star.

Now the nikkas who dont bow to p*ssy get women off because women hate men that are p*ssy whipped because it means no conflict and drama at all, a nikka who fukks with her head and plays mindgames is exactly what she wants no matter how much she swears she hates playas or thugs, there are times when a nikka must cheat on his girl just to keep her its fukked up but they get turned on more knowing another woman fukked you because it make you more valuable to her.

Back to what I was saying, the human woman acts not like a human being but more similar to an ape than a human, this is because emotional reasoning is a thought process that apes and monkeys possess meaning women have more primitive thought process than men. Due to this thought process they have invented jack dilly shyt in comparison to men who literally INVENTED EVERYTHING YOU SEE AROUND YOU due our direct and rational thought process. The women in the tribes would bytch, nag, and fukk men while doing nothing if the men dont force them to work. See a woman plays an act where she pretends to be dominant to see if you is a bytch ass nikka if you pass the test the hoe becomes a submissive little slut for you to use. You see this everyday with the feminism crap that is result of white boys not slapping their bytchs in the face when they get uppity, then look the middle east and see how stable their families are compared to the feminized west. Look at Africa the women there can get jobs but never bytch about equality because they know their place. Hitting a woman(though it is illegal) actually turns them on, they love being dominated and used like a fukk toy by men and hate it when men fukk like a gentleman all sensual and shyt unless that nikka is good looking of course, they love rough sex being choked, slapped, dikk slapped, cum splashed in the face, being called dirty names, being gangbanged etc. They love being treated like wild animals basically and get turned on more when a man they are fukking thinks of them as a sex tool rather than a human being. Thats why you see these bytchs love thug nikkas so much because the thugs know how to treat women. A woman will like you more if you mock her and disrespect her, they get turned on when you start flaming them. See this is because this is no logical reason to treat a woman nicely or with respect at all unless its your fam of course. We can tell the difference in how men see women by analyzing their thoughts. A man in the club experiences LUST it means he wants the p*ssy, a man in the wedding room experiences LOVE it means he actually wants to spend time with this hoe. A man who can only feel lust sees women as fukk toys, a man must be capable of love to see women as anything other than fukk toys, the thug nikkas who beat the shyt out of you for fukking their bytch dont really love their women, no its a pride thing its like a nikka ejaculated on your hammer you wouldnt knock his ass out then. They see their woman as property that is reserved for their dikk and their dikk only and only mofo that puts his dikk in the property gets a whoop ass as punishment. A man in love however will usually start thinking the hoe he is dating is some angel from heaven or some romantic bullshyt and start getting obsessed with her, this turns the woman off because a nikka that is emotional about a woman is clearly a bytch ass nikka or what you call a SIMP. Most SIMPs are what happens when you nikkas that fall in love too fast, the reason some of us SIMPed in middle school is because as a teenager you ability to fall in love is at its strongest, when you get older you begin to notice you no longer give a fukk about kisses you just want p*ssy. Falling in love kills a man in a woman's eyes its fukked up when you think about it because love is the only reason a nikka will even raise his damn kids because a nikka must love the woman he fukked to stay long enough to raise the damn kids. A lustful nikka will just fukk the bytch and tell her to raise the kids on her own, the lustful nikka just wants p*ssy he dont care about no kids at all and it is this nikka that all black women want on a primal level(outside their consious control).

Now why are women the way they are? Women are the way they are because walking on two legs made pregnancies longer and made women more vulnerable, the men would have do the all the thinking and protect women, while the women would just crap out babies and nurture them. This caused the entire female gender to remain mentally behind the male gender to this day. We can see this because chimpanzee females can actually invent things on their own and male chimpanzees are only physically stronger and more violent than the females. Most animals are basic the males are more violent and aggressive while the female just have vagina and are calmer in comparison. Human beings is where gender differences go crazy though. In short the female human is a slave naturally that wants a man to tell her what to do, what to think, how to act, on their own a woman is no different from a wild animal, she needs someone to tell her what to do. Now there are racial differences in woman. The white women are the most submissive and emotional and this explains why nikkas like them so much because they are easy to control and much weaker than black women, the white woman due to being surrounded by a p*ssy male majority is like a crazy child crying about nonexistent problems(feminism). The European environment destroyed any chance of women ever being well human in behavior of the fukking seasons and shyt meaning men did literally all the thinking and women did jackshyt as a result the european white woman is the most useless human being on this planet and cancer to any society she inhabits. In comparison the asian woman is far more logical minded and competent than the european woman but still suffers from the same feminine behavior such as arrogance, self entitled beliefs, and of course thug loving. The black woman is different however, the simple unchanging environment in Africa meant that the nikkas didnt really have to give a damn about raising their kids since the woman could manage them fine as a result the black women are in an inbetween mental state of man to woman. A black woman with european DNA(african american) will act more like a white woman than an actual african woman. African women are submissive to aggressive dominant african men but they can live on their own just fine, and dont really need much directions to survive. A number of african tribes has very competent women in them. The african woman is a leader of the children of the community, she needs no man unless she hungers for sex of course, the african man is stronger more logical minded in contrast to the emotional state of the african woman. The african woman is inherently more aggressive and violent as a defense mechanism against african men, this is why a black woman is bewildered by white men who act so calm and p*ssy like because they are used to aggressive behavior from black men. The white man being calm however is clueless to the black woman's anger and violence, were he a black man he would straighten that bytch out but instead the white man allows the african woman to run wild and do as she desires. The african woman's dominance act is constant rather than an act in the moment, a black women must be constantly dominated by a black men to prove her worth to him, that is why you see bytchs who cuss out thug nikkas who knock them upside the head for disrespect, shes just checking to see if you aint a p*ssy that is all dont blame her. That is also the inherent root of the attitude most black women have, they dont like being dominated unless its from a man thats why they flip the script when another black woman tries to dominate them(cuss them out) usually by beating that bytch's ass. A woman is soft creature a weakling to the african woman, they see white women the same way a man sees a hamster, only a man can dominate them a woman that tries to dominate them will get her ass beat for attempting such stupidity. Black women will take alot of shyt from black men but the moment a black woman tries to pull the same shyt to them the black woman will cuss her out and toss her to curb. Similar to how a white woman will threaten a white woman that tries to dominate her, women only want domination from men unless they lesbians but they aint natural so who cares. A black man that acts similar to a woman is a woman to a black woman so she threatens him and cusses him out the same way she would treat a black woman on the street.

On the subject of thug nikkas. Why do women love them so much? Easy because thug nikkas are literally natural men, they act exactly like the men women evolved around, while nice guys act the opposite, they want the caveman rather than the businessman. The human man on its own is a thug who does what he wants and when he wants, when placed in society the human man must learn to control his thug like behavior or he will be imprisoned, in irony the women of the society desire the men who lack control over their thug behavior then the men with perfect control. Male Chimpanzees exhibit the same shyt human gangs do and that is reasonless mass homicides, territorial conflicts and aggressive behavior. Look at those chimps that is exactly what a human man acted like 500,000 years ago. Men are violent, confident, competitive, lustful lifeforms, a man who is not this is simply not a man to a woman, rather than court women ancient human men would simply gang rape them, thats also why women orgasm multiple times because the moaning is to signal other men to fukk them, in the times where human men were thugs women always submitted or they would be murdered or beat the bloodiness, refuse a thug sex and he simply rapes you snitch on him and he kills you. So did the thug behavior ever go away? No it just progressed with our intelligence, the white men showed their thug behavior to many races over the past centuries including ours, rather than send us back to Africa, the whites kept us in America as a boasting reason and to literally sadistically persecute us out of boredum this is thug behavior, white men going down in streets just hungry for murdering black people, the white man calmness is a farce, remove laws and white men become vicious murderous wild animals. The white race of today however are pacified compared to their thug like ancestors and basically a bunch of pussies except the blood thirsty redneck thugs of course. In terms of thug like behavior the asians have the lowest for some reason which explains why they act like pussies so much their own women want CACs instead of them its embarassing. The middle eastern dudes are thugs just look at all the chaos that happens in their lands, the exception are the Israelis who are pussies compared to the majority of middle eastern men, middle eastern migrants imported into Europe do that gangbanging shyt and go full thug and of course the european women love this and fukk them more than their own men. The Native american man are the second most thug like men on earth which explains why their countries are so fukking violent like Honduras and Colombia. Finally the black man is the most thuglike of the human races we blacks are the most masculine of the races thats why the majority of us black men are:
High Self Esteem
Battle Hungry
Hate cute shyt
Love Sports
Barely ever have depression
Trigger Tempers
Low Suicide rates

Yes blacks are the most thuglike of the human men meaning all human women of all races are attracted to black men on an incredible level, white women dont fukk us for our dikks they fukk us because of the primal attraction, any nikka put in a european country is guaranteed p*ssy, asian bytchs go for black dikk, indian bytchs go for black dikk, jew bytchs go for black dikk, middle eastern bytchs go for black dikk, hispanic bytchs go for black dikk, all women love the black dikk. One can be said this is exactly why some white men didnt want black men and white women to racemix because they white women would discover how manly black men are and tell their men to fukk off which is happening in US society today and Europe. The white men cannot understand why their women prefer us to them because they are praised to think their women are human being and not stupid children. The white men that act like thugs get the most p*ssy, before blacks the majority of white men had to be worried about their women sleeping with a biker, random tat dude in the bar, male bar tender, criminal, mafia member, now the white men must worry about black men because our natural masculine behavior effortlessly attracting their women. In Israel the arabic men get more p*ssy than the Israelis and this makes the Israeli men butthurt the arabs are just most masculine than the Israeli men leading to Israeli men beating up arabs, also in Israel african migrants get lots of p*ssy that causes the jews to lose their heads. In Sweden the Pakistani men get more vagina than the white, the Somali get more vagina then the Pakis. In Japan the CACs get more vagina than the asians, the nikkas get more p*ssy than the CACs. At the end of the day the black man gets the most p*ssy and dominates all the women in the country no matter where he lives. In slavery times the slave masters that would rape their black african female slaves would be more desired to a black woman than a regular white man this is because raping a woman is thug behavior and thus turns her on big time no matter how much she denies she didnt orgasm from it. When the CACs were real thugs that went around raping the women of races they conquered, the women would then submit to them rather than their own race because it appeared as though the CACs were more thug than their own race. The same applies to asians back when they were thugs in the mongol empire, nanking and the japanese empire.

The human female is a slave to the male gender, she acts with emotion rather than logic, cares not of the future but only of her personal destiny, does not want accountability, and will always desire thug like men
i read to the bold. Cot damn! You spitting some shyt though.


Dec 20, 2014
Gonna get negged for shyt but I dont care

Women are human in species name only, their behavior is not truely human like, they operate on emotions and simple impulses due to their different neuro makeup compared to men, at times it may appear as though as women are stupid but this is not true, their ability to use logic and reason is just impaired due to their emotion dominant thought process, women show many times in colleges and classrooms they arent dumb, but this is the problem a woman can only think rationally in short moments or when she wants to do something like scam a nikka out of cash, look for a nikka to leech off, pass a test etc. However this is a serious problem in human society, because of this mental illness women tend to cause nothing but destruction and chaos in human societies as proven by this feminism bullshyt destroying the family unit of course. Women have often been compared to children, but they do act like children overgrown children its kinda disturbing when you think about it, they have no accountability, they act like the world owes them something for having a p*ssy, and many of them have a princess complex(this is very dominant in white women) that makes them delusional to reality thinking they are some special amazing thing when they are just another woman. Often women will bytch at you for no reason at all this is because she wants an emotional reaction because it entertains her, since her mind is emotion dominant then she desires emotional situations rather than calm situations this is why bytchs hate nice guys because they dont create emotional situations at all. The thug nikkas usually treat them like crap which creates conflict in their female brains thus creating emotional fuel to live off, women will frequently bytch about their relationships because this is what they do, if your hoe aint arguing with you then that means she aint feeling you. This is why women will treat men they arent attracted to with pure indifference not even hatred or bytchiness just no emotion at all. On the otherhand they will nag men they want to fukk or simply fukk with them. Anyways because of this women are living drama causing machines, they love drama so they associate with people who have dramatic lives, they want live in a movie with them as the star.

Now the nikkas who dont bow to p*ssy get women off because women hate men that are p*ssy whipped because it means no conflict and drama at all, a nikka who fukks with her head and plays mindgames is exactly what she wants no matter how much she swears she hates playas or thugs, there are times when a nikka must cheat on his girl just to keep her its fukked up but they get turned on more knowing another woman fukked you because it make you more valuable to her.

Back to what I was saying, the human woman acts not like a human being but more similar to an ape than a human, this is because emotional reasoning is a thought process that apes and monkeys possess meaning women have more primitive thought process than men. Due to this thought process they have invented jack dilly shyt in comparison to men who literally INVENTED EVERYTHING YOU SEE AROUND YOU due our direct and rational thought process. The women in the tribes would bytch, nag, and fukk men while doing nothing if the men dont force them to work. See a woman plays an act where she pretends to be dominant to see if you is a bytch ass nikka if you pass the test the hoe becomes a submissive little slut for you to use. You see this everyday with the feminism crap that is result of white boys not slapping their bytchs in the face when they get uppity, then look the middle east and see how stable their families are compared to the feminized west. Look at Africa the women there can get jobs but never bytch about equality because they know their place. Hitting a woman(though it is illegal) actually turns them on, they love being dominated and used like a fukk toy by men and hate it when men fukk like a gentleman all sensual and shyt unless that nikka is good looking of course, they love rough sex being choked, slapped, dikk slapped, cum splashed in the face, being called dirty names, being gangbanged etc. They love being treated like wild animals basically and get turned on more when a man they are fukking thinks of them as a sex tool rather than a human being. Thats why you see these bytchs love thug nikkas so much because the thugs know how to treat women. A woman will like you more if you mock her and disrespect her, they get turned on when you start flaming them. See this is because this is no logical reason to treat a woman nicely or with respect at all unless its your fam of course. We can tell the difference in how men see women by analyzing their thoughts. A man in the club experiences LUST it means he wants the p*ssy, a man in the wedding room experiences LOVE it means he actually wants to spend time with this hoe. A man who can only feel lust sees women as fukk toys, a man must be capable of love to see women as anything other than fukk toys, the thug nikkas who beat the shyt out of you for fukking their bytch dont really love their women, no its a pride thing its like a nikka ejaculated on your hammer you wouldnt knock his ass out then. They see their woman as property that is reserved for their dikk and their dikk only and only mofo that puts his dikk in the property gets a whoop ass as punishment. A man in love however will usually start thinking the hoe he is dating is some angel from heaven or some romantic bullshyt and start getting obsessed with her, this turns the woman off because a nikka that is emotional about a woman is clearly a bytch ass nikka or what you call a SIMP. Most SIMPs are what happens when you nikkas that fall in love too fast, the reason some of us SIMPed in middle school is because as a teenager you ability to fall in love is at its strongest, when you get older you begin to notice you no longer give a fukk about kisses you just want p*ssy. Falling in love kills a man in a woman's eyes its fukked up when you think about it because love is the only reason a nikka will even raise his damn kids because a nikka must love the woman he fukked to stay long enough to raise the damn kids. A lustful nikka will just fukk the bytch and tell her to raise the kids on her own, the lustful nikka just wants p*ssy he dont care about no kids at all and it is this nikka that all black women want on a primal level(outside their consious control).

Now why are women the way they are? Women are the way they are because walking on two legs made pregnancies longer and made women more vulnerable, the men would have do the all the thinking and protect women, while the women would just crap out babies and nurture them. This caused the entire female gender to remain mentally behind the male gender to this day. We can see this because chimpanzee females can actually invent things on their own and male chimpanzees are only physically stronger and more violent than the females. Most animals are basic the males are more violent and aggressive while the female just have vagina and are calmer in comparison. Human beings is where gender differences go crazy though. In short the female human is a slave naturally that wants a man to tell her what to do, what to think, how to act, on their own a woman is no different from a wild animal, she needs someone to tell her what to do. Now there are racial differences in woman. The white women are the most submissive and emotional and this explains why nikkas like them so much because they are easy to control and much weaker than black women, the white woman due to being surrounded by a p*ssy male majority is like a crazy child crying about nonexistent problems(feminism). The European environment destroyed any chance of women ever being well human in behavior of the fukking seasons and shyt meaning men did literally all the thinking and women did jackshyt as a result the european white woman is the most useless human being on this planet and cancer to any society she inhabits. In comparison the asian woman is far more logical minded and competent than the european woman but still suffers from the same feminine behavior such as arrogance, self entitled beliefs, and of course thug loving. The black woman is different however, the simple unchanging environment in Africa meant that the nikkas didnt really have to give a damn about raising their kids since the woman could manage them fine as a result the black women are in an inbetween mental state of man to woman. A black woman with european DNA(african american) will act more like a white woman than an actual african woman. African women are submissive to aggressive dominant african men but they can live on their own just fine, and dont really need much directions to survive. A number of african tribes has very competent women in them. The african woman is a leader of the children of the community, she needs no man unless she hungers for sex of course, the african man is stronger more logical minded in contrast to the emotional state of the african woman. The african woman is inherently more aggressive and violent as a defense mechanism against african men, this is why a black woman is bewildered by white men who act so calm and p*ssy like because they are used to aggressive behavior from black men. The white man being calm however is clueless to the black woman's anger and violence, were he a black man he would straighten that bytch out but instead the white man allows the african woman to run wild and do as she desires. The african woman's dominance act is constant rather than an act in the moment, a black women must be constantly dominated by a black men to prove her worth to him, that is why you see bytchs who cuss out thug nikkas who knock them upside the head for disrespect, shes just checking to see if you aint a p*ssy that is all dont blame her. That is also the inherent root of the attitude most black women have, they dont like being dominated unless its from a man thats why they flip the script when another black woman tries to dominate them(cuss them out) usually by beating that bytch's ass. A woman is soft creature a weakling to the african woman, they see white women the same way a man sees a hamster, only a man can dominate them a woman that tries to dominate them will get her ass beat for attempting such stupidity. Black women will take alot of shyt from black men but the moment a black woman tries to pull the same shyt to them the black woman will cuss her out and toss her to curb. Similar to how a white woman will threaten a white woman that tries to dominate her, women only want domination from men unless they lesbians but they aint natural so who cares. A black man that acts similar to a woman is a woman to a black woman so she threatens him and cusses him out the same way she would treat a black woman on the street.

On the subject of thug nikkas. Why do women love them so much? Easy because thug nikkas are literally natural men, they act exactly like the men women evolved around, while nice guys act the opposite, they want the caveman rather than the businessman. The human man on its own is a thug who does what he wants and when he wants, when placed in society the human man must learn to control his thug like behavior or he will be imprisoned, in irony the women of the society desire the men who lack control over their thug behavior then the men with perfect control. Male Chimpanzees exhibit the same shyt human gangs do and that is reasonless mass homicides, territorial conflicts and aggressive behavior. Look at those chimps that is exactly what a human man acted like 500,000 years ago. Men are violent, confident, competitive, lustful lifeforms, a man who is not this is simply not a man to a woman, rather than court women ancient human men would simply gang rape them, thats also why women orgasm multiple times because the moaning is to signal other men to fukk them, in the times where human men were thugs women always submitted or they would be murdered or beat the bloodiness, refuse a thug sex and he simply rapes you snitch on him and he kills you. So did the thug behavior ever go away? No it just progressed with our intelligence, the white men showed their thug behavior to many races over the past centuries including ours, rather than send us back to Africa, the whites kept us in America as a boasting reason and to literally sadistically persecute us out of boredum this is thug behavior, white men going down in streets just hungry for murdering black people, the white man calmness is a farce, remove laws and white men become vicious murderous wild animals. The white race of today however are pacified compared to their thug like ancestors and basically a bunch of pussies except the blood thirsty redneck thugs of course. In terms of thug like behavior the asians have the lowest for some reason which explains why they act like pussies so much their own women want CACs instead of them its embarassing. The middle eastern dudes are thugs just look at all the chaos that happens in their lands, the exception are the Israelis who are pussies compared to the majority of middle eastern men, middle eastern migrants imported into Europe do that gangbanging shyt and go full thug and of course the european women love this and fukk them more than their own men. The Native american man are the second most thug like men on earth which explains why their countries are so fukking violent like Honduras and Colombia. Finally the black man is the most thuglike of the human races we blacks are the most masculine of the races thats why the majority of us black men are:
High Self Esteem
Battle Hungry
Hate cute shyt
Love Sports
Barely ever have depression
Trigger Tempers
Low Suicide rates

Yes blacks are the most thuglike of the human men meaning all human women of all races are attracted to black men on an incredible level, white women dont fukk us for our dikks they fukk us because of the primal attraction, any nikka put in a european country is guaranteed p*ssy, asian bytchs go for black dikk, indian bytchs go for black dikk, jew bytchs go for black dikk, middle eastern bytchs go for black dikk, hispanic bytchs go for black dikk, all women love the black dikk. One can be said this is exactly why some white men didnt want black men and white women to racemix because they white women would discover how manly black men are and tell their men to fukk off which is happening in US society today and Europe. The white men cannot understand why their women prefer us to them because they are praised to think their women are human being and not stupid children. The white men that act like thugs get the most p*ssy, before blacks the majority of white men had to be worried about their women sleeping with a biker, random tat dude in the bar, male bar tender, criminal, mafia member, now the white men must worry about black men because our natural masculine behavior effortlessly attracting their women. In Israel the arabic men get more p*ssy than the Israelis and this makes the Israeli men butthurt the arabs are just most masculine than the Israeli men leading to Israeli men beating up arabs, also in Israel african migrants get lots of p*ssy that causes the jews to lose their heads. In Sweden the Pakistani men get more vagina than the white, the Somali get more vagina then the Pakis. In Japan the CACs get more vagina than the asians, the nikkas get more p*ssy than the CACs. At the end of the day the black man gets the most p*ssy and dominates all the women in the country no matter where he lives. In slavery times the slave masters that would rape their black african female slaves would be more desired to a black woman than a regular white man this is because raping a woman is thug behavior and thus turns her on big time no matter how much she denies she didnt orgasm from it. When the CACs were real thugs that went around raping the women of races they conquered, the women would then submit to them rather than their own race because it appeared as though the CACs were more thug than their own race. The same applies to asians back when they were thugs in the mongol empire, nanking and the japanese empire.

The human female is a slave to the male gender, she acts with emotion rather than logic, cares not of the future but only of her personal destiny, does not want accountability, and will always desire thug like men


Aug 16, 2014
Rachet bullshyt? Complete generalizations of an entire gender based on individuals rachet bullshyt? Mufukkas who need air and step away from the keyboard?

Yes, definitely a female version.

The Future/Ciara/Russ saga is literally Coli vs LSA.

In defense of the coli those Russ Ciara future threads are creepy at lsa. It's like a cult.


Apr 16, 2013
Back to what I was saying, the human woman acts not like a human being but more similar to an ape than a human, this is because emotional reasoning is a thought process that apes and monkeys possess meaning women have more primitive thought process than men.

Sep 17, 2014
#RIP Kobe
I admit we got a good share a c00ns down here. It's pretty damn rampant and down right disgusting at times, older black folks still have "colored" and "yessum" in thier vocabulary and shyt, smh. Despite what many here think of me I'm not a c00n, I don't like or trust most white people. I only play their games just to get ahead.

I have my own unique definition of c00n . In your case , in my definition, you are a c00nette . Dating outside makes you that in my book . But who cares right?

And be kind to your elders down there in the country , they are your c00n big homies . You have to care for them like a real BG should lol
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