Most bw don't want most bw period long term, maybe for quick dikk but marriage? You'll be hard pressed to find most sisters want to marry most brothers.
Mostly education action and perception of the average black male. It's mostly on bw, they can change this anytime but I doubt they will.
Also reality is once a man achieves something usually race no longer becomes a issueissue, David duke daughter would lay up with a nikka. We men have thst provide bit we have to achieve something first.
Women are still judges by beauty usually so bw Wil feel the heat of thst, often considered not feminine or attractive by most men of other rsxesraces, even if she's a Hella catch she gotta compete white, Asian and Spanish chick's and that's a tall order.
If you go by numbers a good amount of bw who marry out actually take care of the dudes they marry. There's no easy road for them.
I don't agree with that...many black women can compete with other races, the issue is they form silos and do not interact with other races of men the same way that bm interact with other races of women. I am big observer of the way black women interact and they do not attempt to get to know many men of other races on a deeper level to open themselves for relationships. Those that did had no problem attracting non black men.
Second thing; weight...many bw are prone to get fat and are not as active comparatively to other races.
Third thing; hair....bad weave, wigs and horrible hair maintenance.
The black women who have taken care of the above...have no issue to attract men of all racial backgrounds. Black men forced themselves to interact with white men, Asian men, have more access to their women. Many relationships are formed through friendship and daily interactions.
Plus, you confirm what I have suspected and have observed, many bm demand bw accept the jobless, low paying, no money having among them even if the woman has got herself together but wouldn't dare step to an Asian or a white woman with that BS. BM know that these women have more attractive options within their communities so they step their game up.
Although money can change things, it cannot completely alleviate racial tension. You are still a black person with money which is a drop in the bucket compared to other races who have money or stable situations.
The low marriage stats will change when black women start improving themselves physically and develop better self esteem and stop thinking being black makes them uglier than other races or that they are less deserving than other races for relationships and are willing to take chances in love. Many bw have very low self esteem which they hide under false bravado.