I think ur down pllaying that even lame black girls lame normal black dudes. Since blacks are the minority these men leave and that has a bigger impact on our community than others.
Most the black guys with white women would u date em? U gotta be honest out here
I am not downplaying the impact. I don't believe in forcing the hand of men who don't want to stay with their own race of women. Black women have already the stigma of being unwanted, lonely, desperate, manless. I don't approve of discussing bm who date interracially among bw. If a bm is interested in dating bw and he discusses his experience and his issues while he is dating them that's one thing. For those who have left...I say let them leave.
I don't approve of these black female panels always tal king about what bm are doing or not doing. I'd rather see this investment in black female self improvement to be honest.
What I will say though is that these dudes who claim being unwanted by black women in elementary school and the like never specify the type of women they were going after or if they were gettng play by these non black girls begoreally their good/established jobs.
I don't think bw are entitled to bm they have to compete for bm affections just like other women with a slight disadvantage. I think bw's mindset towards dating/relationship and black community needs to change...this is not the 70s. Relationships and black power does not go hand in hand.