Cool af and she could cook
Guess what else I can do

Just kidding!

Or am I?
She seems like fun...good vibes...and I think I almost saw a p*ssy lip

@Strawberry Did you ever explain how you got put on to The Coli?
I explained it somewhere, can't remember where...
Basically I was following some crazy beef I saw on Twitter and I googled 1 of the guys cuz shyt wasn't adding up.
This random guy I was following was making these ridiculous threats against another guy...he was putting the other guy's home address on Twitter and everything I was like
I wanted to figure out who the good guy was in the argument especially since the guy I was following was suddenly appearing super shady.
So I googled him...his Twitter name is Jay Wan Inc or something
Anyway one of the first things I found on Google was an exposal thread on the Coli about how this guy is a fraud, so I checked it out and immediately fell in love with the smilies & general sense of humour on the board.
I ended up unfollowing that idiot and started following the other guy on Twitter, then signed up for an account on the Coli.
I forgot about it, then remembered and starting posting a month later. Been here ever since.
I've endured several neg trains in the few short months I've been here cuz people thought I was **** at first, and then they thought I was some weirdo named Observe.
Then I got another neg train when people found out I'm a white girl that adores black men
Which kinda has me like

cuz I have nothing but love yet I'm shown so much hate on here. It's kinda weird, I've never experienced anything like this in my life.
I'm the type of girl that is friends with everyone and is always laughing, joking, havin fun & lovin life. Yet look at my rep
I even tried putting a$$holes/haters on ignore just to avoid them and any stupid shyt they happen to say but I've got a creepy posse of haters that follow me around the Coli and neg me daily for no reason with comments like "cac bish", "white devil", "whore" etc etc

I always wonder what kind of shytty lives they must live to have so much hate for a random girl online that they'll never meet.
But anyways fukk them.
I still love the Coli. The cool people I meet on here cancel out all the hate. Unfortunately you have to dig through a giant pile of shyt to find the gems.
This has been an interesting experience to say the least, and thank you guys for being a more positive and memorable part of it