My response would be, in regards to the movie, (not you personally) that when you can in no way care for cartoonish, stereotyped, absurd characters, who cares, who can can what happens next? A shallow, silly, mess of a movie.
Just bought my ticket for tonight
I was all in on this movie for about the first 70 minutes.
But when the movie is making blunt points about the hopelessness of reservation life and the lack of support and empathy from the outside world...and then the movie fails to show an ounce of emotion for the massacres tribal police force...while returning to the plight of the two white characters... made me feel, not good.
That was one long screening
I see that point @HHR, like I was referencing, I am close to Native families, so I am really aware that Renner and Olsen's characters could have been Native and the story doesn't miss anything. I think that's an issue of financing and marketing, honestly. As it is, this movie will be small, and minor successful, with no Renner or Olsen attached, it probably doesn't make it past the festival circuit, or even on there.
Regarding the handling of the massacre, I hadn't considered that, I gave such weight to the violence against women, thinking of Native women I now, and ones I don't, that I kind of "forgot" the half dozen men who died in the show. I think that's a fair point. I also think there were flaws in the last scenes, meaning the ones on the mountain. Too Hollywood. On the other hand, the violence and casual savagery of those mountains, and kind of frontier violence is in line with that.
It's a deeply flawed movie, that a less director would have ruined, but I think the sum outweighs the parts I took issue with.
Not to mention, Olsen, an FBI agent fumbling around like a teenage Nancy Drew, if you ever met a woman in fairly high spot in the judicial branch of government, you know how off base Olsen's agent was.
For sure, but even someone just out of Quantico isn't going to be stumbling around like that, just the way she carried herself, wasn't like a law enforcement professional from state or federal branch.
The streets want your Good Time review.Yep. Super tired now. Wasn't until the 15th time through that I really caught on to what Sheridan was doing
I think Olsen was supposed to a new, lower level fed. She Makes mention that she's the one they send in before the investigative unit. The problem is that after that they didn't really explain her backstory enough to capitalize on that. Their team could've used another character, like a capable but overlooked Native female agent/officer to exemplify that idea of toughness that Olsen's character didn't quite earn.
He realized that they were attempting to flank them on all sides as they were walking towards the trailer
It was just like the opening scene when the sheep got surrounded by the wolves and got picked off
And drive the entire narrative of the movie, but let's look past that.Make a movie "about" native women, and only show native women being mutilated, raped, examined as naked frozen corpses, brehs.