Isn't that stating the obvious though?
The question should be if anyone needed a fake letter to tell them about problems that were already apparent? Sure, for the sake of "waking people up" to what's going on I guess that's fine. Maybe for some people it's a starting point so I won't totally trash it, but intellectual dishonesty is the worst thing we can do to black folks looking to understand the situation. There's no more important wake up call than gathering real facts and thinking critically. At the end of the day, propping up a fake document regardless of how poignant the message may be doesn't really solve the issue. The issue is ignorance of the system in place, the root causes of black problems today, and how these forms of division pointed out in the letter came about and how to get rid of them. It's the weakness of the movement after it's successes, you got people like Farrakhan is bringing up false documents, but his more studious teacher Malcolm was bringing up facts. Need to be more like Malcolm, less like Farrakhan.
You be seeing the recent stuff Farrakhan has been speaking about on his Youtube page? I mean I'm already agnostic and think White organized religion is damaging to Black people ever since they kidnapped us......but the things he is talking about on that page....all these insane prophecies about Iran....the dude is a nutcase
just do a search on youtube and you will see what I mean...