We've reached a point now where a presidential candidate can't even lose an election without people rioting. Political tribalism is rotting this country out from the inside. I think it's pretty clear that we're never going back to a more civil level of politics. I think it's also clear that the republican party will likely be the source of such an event as they purge their party of people who even display a remote level of sense or decency.
This thing came down to a handful of people deciding not to test the fabric of the country in the last election. As that party rids themselves of people who would make such decisions we're likely going to have that crisis inside the next two presidential cycles. All it would take as a Trump like politician that's a bit more calculating and less egotistical to turn this whole thing on it's head.
For so long the republican party has bred a level of voter primed for someone like Trump to manipulate. Now that has come to pass and the party itself is afraid to stand up to the mob it's created. They all fall over themselves to serve the now out of control monster they helped make. They can't even give these people facts anymore. All they accept is what they want to hear.
This thing came down to a handful of people deciding not to test the fabric of the country in the last election. As that party rids themselves of people who would make such decisions we're likely going to have that crisis inside the next two presidential cycles. All it would take as a Trump like politician that's a bit more calculating and less egotistical to turn this whole thing on it's head.
For so long the republican party has bred a level of voter primed for someone like Trump to manipulate. Now that has come to pass and the party itself is afraid to stand up to the mob it's created. They all fall over themselves to serve the now out of control monster they helped make. They can't even give these people facts anymore. All they accept is what they want to hear.