Jesus Is Lord
Give Thanks, Repent, and Forgive
you said Bron is gonna win more than Kobe or MJ. you realize how unlikely those scenarios were even for them? outside of Russell, they the only two HOF to win 5+ rings.....EVER. out of thousands of players. let alone the fact that 9 years in, both MJ & Kobe had rings already. Bron has ZERO. you're whole steeze is
Fam, they AREN'T the ONLY HOF players to win 5+ rings.
John Havelichek (sp?)
Bob Cousy
Sam Jones
Just to name a few
Now so much fukkery going on in this thread, Art Barr wrongfully saying Shuttlesworth put someone through the table, only to come back in and mistakenly put Shuttlesworth through a table, while claiming he pm'd him, when it was WINGATE who actually pm'd him. In the end, Art Barr put himself through a table from the top rope.
Now to answer the question, Lebron will never average that much because he doesn't have to in Miami.I think he could've done it in Cleveland, but he didn't so......