I dont think that the US Government owes its citizenry a fukking thing except a strong military, modern infrastructure, and support the constitution. That's it. No freebies of any kind for anyone, including illegal immigrants, no free college, no free housing, no free anything, no free this or that. NOTHING. Sink or swim.
There's alot of holes and BS in what you just said.
It sounds real tough, respectable, real right-wingish......but it makes little sense.
Everyone doesnt start off on the same playing field. A kid from the burbs, thru NO EFFORT OF HIS OWN, might be able to go to college b/c his parents pay for it....a kid from the hood might not be able to afford college no matter how bad he wants to go. And he might be smarter, work harder, more determined than the suburb kid who's had it easy. But under your logic, it's "Oh well, sucks to be you!!!
There's ppl with free housing who have free housing b/c they're disabled...mentally, physically, etc. They weren't born with the same capabilties or had accidents that left them in their current state. What do you do with these ppl? Let em starve to death outside? Put them out on a boat like Castro did?
The US govt owes much more given what we've seen in the past. Now had the economy always been crappy and we had ppl losing jobs, home, cars by the thousands, then ur post might hold some weight. But the US govt owes it citizens the chance to lead the best lives that they so choose to work hard for....the way it used to be.