Why you should SERIOUSLY reconsider criticizing Obama on matters of race

May 11, 2015
We know that cacs hate Obama only because he is black, what else is new.

OP really needs to come correct on his own c00ning b4 calling others c00ns. OP doesn't want black sovereignty. OP doesn't want to rep Jamaica, which means he hates himself. He still hasn't answered for the thread he made telling everyone to be patriotic to cacs :scust: He still dikkrides cacs.

Pledge allegiance to Jamaica :blessed: and tell the usa to fukk itself, then you will gain respect, OP. Cure your own c00ning before accusing others.


May 1, 2012
It is true, in the sense that the post you originally quoted and responded to did not have racism as the central theme which is what you assumed it did when you claimed I was debating one group as more racist than the other. When in fact, I mentioned no such thing and I wasn't even discussing anything regarding racism in that context, or in general(meaning it wasn't a main feature of my post) , but instead the focus was clearly on the validity of lib polices/black family argument. I really don't know how you could miss that.
I didn't miss anything. I didn't assume that you were debating which group is more racist. What you're saying is bullshyt. The only claim that I accused you of making is that Coulter's "it's black illegitimacy not white racism" argument is valid. Coulter's argument is not valid no matter how you try and spin it. You keep insisting that race is irrelevant to your position all while cosigning someone who's position is all about race. How does that work? Again, Coulter's "black illigetimacy" argument was only made to deflect away from, downplay, and dismiss systematic white racism. Do you not understand what that means? You can't separate that argument from her views on racism.

The quote I put in my post was to make it outright clear from the start that racism was not the underline point I was trying to make hence "better explanations" i.e lib policies was my talking-point.
Yes, you're using a racist conservative fox news talking point. "It's not systematic white racism that's keeping the black community disenfranchised, it's the black illegitimacy rate". This is the same talking poin that Bill Oreilly, Sean Hannity, Coulter, and all the other racist right wing conservatives use to deflect from systematic white supremacy. Why you're pretends admit this talking point has nothing to do with racism is beyond me. You can't talk honestly about the black illegitimacy rate without talking about systematic white supremacy which is what you and white racist conservatives attempt to do. That's why it's nothing but a deflection.

What you're doing is ignoring the context and stating that because I mentioned the word "racism" that in fact I was debating some topic that revolved around racism. The problem with this is I am obviously not speaking in a literal sense which is why I use words like "underlining point" so you understand my meaning and context.
The only thing that I'm ignoring is your bullshyt nonsensical spin. I'm acknowledging what you're saying? I'm just calling it out for the bullshyt that it is. I'll repeat, you're cat clan that Coulter's argument is unrelated to race when it has everything to do with race/racism. She uses black illegitimacy as a deflection to systematic white supremacy. That's a fact whether you accept it or not. You're the one trying to ignore the underlining point of the person that you're cosigning.

Imagine reading an article about physics and seeing the word "dog" and than telling the author his subject was about "dogs" and when the author corrects you...you respond with, "but I see the word dog". Yes, from a literal point of view he mentioned dog, but that doesn't mean anything regarding his underlining point or central topic which is what he was referring too. It's simple reasoning really, and if you reread my first two post it will be obvious that I wasn't arguing Republicans as more racist than dems or vice verse, or any talking point involving racism as a major component. I don't see were the confusion is coming from.
You sound like a gotdamn idiot.

It's irrelevant in the sense that it doesn't effect the stats about black illegitimacy since the great society policies were put in place which is what gave her conclusion merit. Just think about it from a logical point of view. Let's assume Ann Coulter hates animals, did the stats about Black illegitimacy change? No. Now lets assume she loves all animals. Did the stats change this time? Of course not because her personal opinion doesn't prove, disprove, or alter the stats in anyway. It literally doesn't relate or determine anything regarding those figures thus her views are irrelevant, in this context.
You're just embarrassing yourself with these stupid ass analogies.

Systematic racism is not irrelevant to the black illegitimacy rate nor is it irrelevant to Anne Coulter's "underlining point" in that video clip. Systematic racism is a major factor in causing the black illegitimacy stats being what they are, and it's also the issue that Coulter is deflecting from. Racism is relevant to that talking point every which way that you can think of. That's why it holds no weight. You, Coulter and other racist white conservatives attempt to take a symptom of systematic racism and blame it for keeping the black community down instead of the systematic racism itself. It's a deflection.

Actually, I stated that one specific argument she made based on evidence that seems to be factual has what I think to be a good point. I invited anybody to make a counter argument to sway my mind but no has so far. I don't see how I am being unfair with this. I even went back over her argument premises point by point and fact check the validity of it myself. I even posted a graph about the Black illegitimacy stats. How am I being unreasonable here?
You're being unreasonable by trying to separate Coulter's argument about black illegitimacy from her position on racism as if its unrelated. It's not unrelated tho. Coulter's point about black illegitimacy is only made as a deflection to white supremacy. Coulter argues that it's not systematic racism holding the black community back, it's the black illegitimacy rate. The only people who think that's a valid argument are racist whites and black c00ns who cosign racist whites. Stats without context doesn't mean shyt. You can point to the children born out of wedlock stats all day, but if you're not going to talk about the systematic that shapes those stats then you're not being honest.


Apr 3, 2014
:wow: I'm stealing this
How do you Americans still let this channel exist? I would've guerilla firebombed their HQ and stabbed their anchors and presenters in their sleep with turkey thigh bones ( i dunno why i picked turkey thigh bones but fukk it)

freedom of speech and democracy and all but the hardline religious anti colour anti science crusade is fukking ridiculous. the dumbest people get the biggest platorms i swear


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
I didn't miss anything. I didn't assume that you were debating which group is more racist. What you're saying is bullshyt.

Hmm, you must of forgot what you wrote. Here I will quote it for you.

Liberal whites are just as racist as conservative whites. Trying to dice white people up is a waste of time because they all support/perpetuate white supremacy.
Neither of the points you stated here was what I was claiming.

You keep insisting that race is irrelevant to your position all while cosigning someone who's position is all about race.
No, you're confusing the term race with racism. I didn't say or ever say the element of "race" wasn't apart of that argument. I said racism wasn't, and failed polices was. Implying that lib polcies failed because they suck ass not because of racism prevented them from working. You can discuss a racial group without having racism as a central talking point.

Coulter's argument is not valid no matter how you try and spin it.
Whats invalid about it? specifically referring to the Black family unit getting worse under liberal polices

How does that work? Again, Coulter's "black illigetimacy" argument was only made to deflect away from, downplay, and dismiss systematic white racism. Do you not understand what that means? You can't separate that argument from her views on racism.
Yes, she took the conclusion from the, "The black family unit got worse under liberal polices" argument as a premise for a second argument about deflecting racism(which was not the topic I was discussing). I'm not denying that, and I have never denied that, but the ladder has zero effect on if "The black family unit got worse under liberal polices" argument is true or false, thus its irrelevant when it comes to discussing if "The black family unit got worse under liberal polices" which is the sole topic I am discussing atm.

I don't get were the confusion is coming from? If I ask'd you, "Did the black family unit get worse after the great society programs were put in place", would you ask Ann Coulter her personal opinion about racism to test if its true or false, or go look up data pertaining to stuff like "black illegitimacy" figures?

I think it would be the ladder because Ann Coulter personal opinion is obviously not a determinant. Meaning, no matter what her opinion about racism is, it doesn't decide shyt regarding if "Did the black family unit get worse since the great society programs were put in place" is a true claim or a false claim. This is why I keep saying her worldviews is irrelevant.

Yes, you're using a racist conservative fox news talking point. "It's not systematic white racism that's keeping the black community disenfranchised, it's the black illegitimacy rate". This is the same talking poin that Bill Oreilly, Sean Hannity, Coulter, and all the other racist right wing conservatives use to deflect from systematic white supremacy. Why you're pretends admit this talking point has nothing to do with racism is beyond me. You can't talk honestly about the black illegitimacy rate without talking about systematic white supremacy which is what you and white racist conservatives attempt to do. That's why it's nothing but a deflection.
I feel like you're moving the goal post on me because I'm not really discussing the validity of that argument. I am discussing the premise that they used to reach that argument which is

Blacks family unit got worse under lib polices

I view this ^^^argument to have a point. It has evidence to support it, and the conclusion follows the evidence. Just because a person took the validity of that argument as premise to support a different argument doesn't mean that I was discussing that argument too. If you wan't to discuss that specific argument Ann Coulter made than make thread about it.

Systematic racism is not irrelevant to the black illegitimacy rate nor is it irrelevant to Anne Coulter's "underlining point" in that video clip. Systematic racism is a major factor in causing the black illegitimacy stats being what they are, and it's also the issue that Coulter is deflecting from. Racism is relevant to that talking point every which way that you can think of. That's why it holds no weight. You, Coulter and other racist white conservatives attempt to take a symptom of systematic racism and blame it for keeping the black community down instead of the systematic racism itself. It's a deflection.
Ann Coulter personal VIEW on systematic racism is irrelevant, and the conclusion isn't about proving what caused, or played a factor, and to what degree in the black illegitimacy stats.

the conclusion was:
while Liberal polices have been in place the deterioration of the Black family has increased.


Liberal policies is the sole cause of the increase in black illegitimacy figures

The argument is trying to prove that the liberal polices that have been shilled on black ppl have not worked in the way that they were stated too. Not what you're discussing which is about what caused the increase in black illegitimacy stats.

You're being unreasonable by trying to separate Coulter's argument about black illegitimacy from her position on racism as if its unrelated.

Does her position on racism have any effect on "Did the black family unit get worse ever since the great society programs were put in place" as true or false?

It's not unrelated tho. Coulter's point about black illegitimacy is only made as a deflection to white supremacy.
So the motivation for why she mentioned it overrides the evidence about, "Did the black family unit get worse ever since the great society programs were put in place" and makes it automatically false?

Coulter argues that it's not systematic racism holding the black community back, it's the black illegitimacy rate.
How does that prove, "Did the black family unit get worse ever since the great society programs were put in place" is a false claim?

The only people who think that's a valid argument are racist whites and black c00ns who cosign racist whites. Stats without context doesn't mean shyt. You can point to the children born out of wedlock stats all day, but if you're not going to talk about the systematic that shapes those stats then you're not being honest.

Well, that's your problem. The argument isn't about what CAUSED or SHAPED the stats for black illegitimacy...its about liberal polices which were sold as protocols to improve the black community failing to do its job. Were discussing TWO different things. Read the argument over.

"Children from broken homes are more likely to commit crime
Black illegitimacy has increased from 20% to over 70% since the great society polices have been put in place
while Liberal polices have been in place the deterioration of the Black family has increased"

It not about proving causality, it's about proving liberal polices failed to prevent something that they said they would. I don't know were you getting this idea that I am stating liberal polices for a fact caused the problem.
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
lol, it's a racist agenda to point out lib polices haven't worked? wtf, how does that even make sense?

Social welfare is not a liberal idea until its used by racist white folks as a wedge issue.

housing assistance
Food stamps
Social security

All ideas that started out with conservative/republican support, until they decided to demonize black folks for using it.

They are doing the same thing today with obamacare. Its a republican/conservative idea, but they've turned it around as a "lib" idea in order to demonize it.

So that's where you are wrong at first.

Second. Your idea that none of these things work is false.

By any measure you can think of black people are better off now than they were 40-50 years ago. Less poverty, less crime, less drugs, more education, more socioeconomic success.

If the polices had not worked none of this will be true.

What you are saying is absolute nonsense. And nothing but a racist talking point.


May 1, 2012
Hmm, you must of forgot what you wrote. Here I will quote it for you.

Neither of the points you stated here was what I was claiming.
No, I didn't forget what I've written. I didn't accuse you of claiming any of those points.

No, you're confusing the term race with racism. I didn't say or ever say the element of "race" wasn't apart of that argument. I said racism wasn't, and failed polices was. Implying that lib polcies failed because they suck ass not because of racism prevented them from working. You can discuss a racial group without having racism as a central talking point.
I don't have anything confused. You're forced to build these straw men because you can't deal with what I'm actually saying. "I didn't say that race was irrelevant here, I said that racism is irrelevant":pachaha: You're talking in circles, not saying shyt. Race and racism are definitely relevant to Anne Coilter's position here. You can't race/racism from her argument. You don't even understand Coulter's position yet you're cosigning it. That's how ignorant you apparently are.

Whats invalid about it? specifically referring to the Black family unit getting worse under liberal polices
It's invalid because it's false. The black family unit hasn't gotten worse BECAUSE of liberal policies. The black family unit has gotten worse because of systematic white supremacy. Liberal policies are just failed superficial "solutions" to systematic white supremacy. Liberal policies aren't oppressing blacks, they just aren't helping blacks overcome the oppression the way that they're advertised to.

Yes, she took the conclusion from the, "The black family unit got worse under liberal polices" argument as a premise for a second argument about deflecting racism(which was not the topic I was discussing). I'm not denying that, and I have never denied that, but the ladder has zero effect on if "The black family unit got worse under liberal polices" argument is true or false, thus its irrelevant when it comes to discussing if "The black family unit got worse under liberal polices" which is the sole topic I am discussing atm.
Coulter didn't make two different arguments. You're lying. Everything that she said in that clip was in support of her one argument which is that "racism doesn't really exist anymore". That's the one and only argument that she made. Her "black illegitimacy" point was made to support her overall position that racism doesn't exist anymore. She blames out of wedlock child births for the state of the black community to deflect from white supremacy. You're obviously not too bright bruh.

I don't get were the confusion is coming from? If I ask'd you, "Did the black family unit get worse after the great society programs were put in place", would you ask Ann Coulter her personal opinion about racism to test if its true or false, or go look up data pertaining to stuff like "black illegitimacy" figures?
Your question is obviously loaded. You're trying to reduce a complex matter down to a simple yes or no question. That's disingenuous. The answer to your loaded question would be "the black family unit has gotten worse due to systematic white racism, not liberal policies." These societal programs don't have shyt to do with the prison industrial complex funneling black men into prison. The programs don't have anything to do blacks being discriminated against in this country's job market. The programs don't have anything to do with the systematic economic disenfranchisement that the black community is victimized by. Those are issues that have disrupted the black family structure. Without those systematic forms of oppression blacks wouldn't be reliant on the state programs anywhere near as much as we are now.

I think it would be the ladder because Ann Coulter personal opinion is obviously not a determinant. Meaning, no matter what her opinion about racism is, it doesn't decide shyt regarding if "Did the black family unit get worse since the great society programs were put in place" is a true claim or a false claim. This is why I keep saying her worldviews is irrelevant.
Not only have I refuted that dumb talking point(liberal policies aren't the cause of the degradation of the black family unit), I've also illustrated that Coulter's motivation for using that talking point is to deflect from white racism. Yet you insist upon trying to argue that Coulter's point has nothing to do with her views on racism:heh:

I feel like you're moving the goal post on me because I'm not really discussing the validity of that argument. I am discussing the premise that they used to reach that argument which is

Blacks family unit got worse under lib polices

I view this ^^^argument to have a point. It has evidence to support it, and the conclusion follows the evidence. Just because a person took the validity of that argument as premise to support a different argument doesn't mean that I was discussing that argument too. If you wan't to discuss that specific argument Ann Coulter made than make thread about it.
This thread is about Anne Coulter's argument. Again, her argument here is that racism doesn't really exist. That's the only argument that she made here. Everything that she said including that shyt about the black illegitimacy rate was in support of that argument/position.

Even that specific part of her overall argument is invalid because just saying "black families got worse under liberal policies" is disingenuous at the least. That's a vague ass general statement that paints an incomplete picture. You don't want to deal with the merit of the implications in that statement because your purposely trying to be deceptive. Just like Anne Coulter.

Ann Coulter personal VIEW on systematic racism is irrelevant, and the conclusion isn't about proving what caused, or played a factor, and to what degree in the black illegitimacy stats.

the conclusion was:
while Liberal polices have been in place the deterioration of the Black family has increased.


Liberal policies is the sole cause of the increase in black illegitimacy figures
No, Coulter's conclusion was that racism doesn't exist and it's the policies of the left that are responsible for the state of the black community. Not systematic white racism.

The argument is trying to prove that the liberal polices that have been shilled on black ppl have not worked in the way that they were stated too. Not what you're discussing which is about what caused the increase in black illegitimacy stats.
No, you're lying. Coulter's argument was made to deflect from white supremacy. The only thing that she intended to prove is that white racism isn't the cause of black oppression. That's why she brought up the black illegitimacy rate without talking about the true causes of it. That's why you're trying to do the same. What's the point of bringing up the black illegitimacy rate without truly acknowledging the causes of it? To deflect from white supremacy.

Does her position on racism have any effect on "Did the black family unit get worse ever since the great society programs were put in place" as true or false?
That's a loaded question/statement meant to push an agenda. That statement/question is used to push a false narrative. If you understand that liberal policies aren't the cause of the increase in the black illegitimacy rate then what's the point? We all know what the agenda that Anne Coulter attempts to push using that talking point is. What's yours?

So the motivation for why she mentioned it overrides the evidence about, "Did the black family unit get worse ever since the great society programs were put in place" and makes it automatically false?
Yes. Your question is incomplete and loaded. What part of that don't you get? Saying that the black family unit has gotten worse since social societal programs have been put in place paints a false picture. That statement implies that the black illegitimacy rate is caused by liberal policies. That's a talking point used by racist conservatives to deflect from systematic racism. You can also say "the black family unit has gotten worse since Jim Crow supposedly ended". Unless you're trying to make the asinine argument that the lack of legalized Jim Crow laws has caused a spike in the black illegitimacy rate then what's the point?

How does that prove, "Did the black family unit get worse ever since the great society programs were put in place" is a false claim?
A question isn't a claim. As a statement, it's incomplete and loaded for reasons that I've stated over and over.

Well, that's your problem. The argument isn't about what CAUSED or SHAPED the stats for black illegitimacy...its about liberal polices which were sold as protocols to improve the black community failing to do its job. Were discussing TWO different things. Read the argument over.

"Children from broken homes are more likely to commit crime
Black illegitimacy has increased from 20% to over 70% since the great society polices have been put in place
while Liberal polices have been in place the deterioration of the Black family has increased"

It not about proving causality, it's about proving liberal polices failed to prevent something that they said they would. I don't know were you getting this idea that I am stating liberal polices for a fact caused the problem.
:snoop: Because that's Anne Coulter's argument and you're cosigning it. Coulter was saying that dysfunction in the black community is due to the illegitimacy rate which has been caused by liberal policies. This is why you can't separate Coulter's views on race from the talking points that she uses to support her views on race. Coulter was not arguing that liberal policies failed to alleviate black oppression due to systematic racism. She was arguing that the liberal policies are to blame for dysfunction in the black community. She doesn't even acknowledge that blacks are subjected to systematic racism. How delusional do you have to be to think that her talking point wasn't about causation? That's ALL that it's about. "White systematic racism isn't the cause of black dysfunction, white liberal policies are".


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Whats invalid about it? specifically referring to the Black family unit getting worse under liberal polices

It's invalid because it's false. The black family unit hasn't gotten worse BECAUSE of liberal policies.

You literally just changed the statement...

Because that's Anne Coulter's argument and you're cosigning it. Coulter was saying that dysfunction in the black community is due to the illegitimacy rate which has been caused by liberal policies.

Coulter was saying that dysfunction in the black community is due to the illegitimacy rate = true, she says that!

which has been caused by liberal policies. = false, she didn't say that, or imply it.

She stated and I quote(loosely), "Obama, enablers, and the left wing media, gin up to keep a segment of the black community angry and voting against republicans...this all comes from illegitimacy, it comes from their problem of subdividing illegitimacy...by harping on white racism no one notices that the rate(illegitimacy) before the great society was 20%...its about 70% now". Her meaning is very clear, her central point is about libs trying to put focus on X to avoid black people from doing an analysis on what has occurred under lib polices all in response to Michelle Obama race speech.

She is in no way arguing that lib polices is the root of the cause. if she was, she would have explicitly stated "It comes from their problem of creating illegitimacy" instead of, " it comes from their problem of subdividing illegitimacy". The use of the word subdividing is clearly implying a lack of "FIXING" something.


May 1, 2012
You literally just changed the statement...
I didn't change the statement. I just put the statement in the context of the overall point that Coulter attempted to make. Coulter was most certainly implying that liberal policies are the cause of the black illegitimacy rate. She actually came right out and said that these social programs have destroyed the black community. It doesn't get any clearer than that.

Coulter was saying that dysfunction in the black community is due to the illegitimacy rate = true, she says that!
This is not true. When you get the flu you don't say that your body is dysfunctional(sick) due to the symptoms(fever, nausea, ect). You're sick because of the flu virus that has infected your body. The black illegitimacy rate is a symptom, white supremacy is the disease that causes the dysfunction in the black community. This should be common sense.

which has been caused by liberal policies. = false, she didn't say that, or imply it.
Youre lying. She most certainly did say that the black illegitimacy rate is caused by liberal policies. "Liberal policies destroyed the black community". That's a quote from the clip. You're even worse than people like Coulter because at least she's somewhat honest.

She stated and I quote(loosely), "Obama, enablers, and the left wing media, gin up to keep a segment of the black community angry and voting against republicans...this all comes from illegitimacy, it comes from their problem of subdividing illegitimacy...by harping on white racism no one notices that the rate(illegitimacy) before the great society was 20%...its about 70% now". Her meaning is very clear, her central point is about libs trying to put focus on X to avoid black people from doing an analysis on what has occurred under lib polices all in response to Michelle Obama race speech.

She is in no way arguing that lib polices is the root of the cause. if she was, she would have explicitly stated "It comes from their problem of creating illegitimacy" instead of, " it comes from their problem of subdividing illegitimacy". The use of the word subdividing is clearly implying a lack of "FIXING" something.
Again, you're lying. She explicitly said that liberal policies are the cause of dysfunction in the black community, not systematic white racism. You're so full of shyt that it's sad. You're literally lying through your teeth all in defense of some cracker spitting white supremacist rhetoric.

By the way, the word "subdivision" only means to divide a part into smaller parts. She didn't use the word one time in this clip. The word that you're thinking of is "subsidize". Coulter accused the left of subsidizing black illegitimacy. Since it's obvious that you don't know what "subsidize" means I'll tell you. To subsidize means to support financially. Coulter accuses the left of supporting(causing) black illegitimacy with their social programs. I'm embarrassed for you my man.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Hmm, I did consider that, but I thought the context didn't fit the word because she said they have problem with it, but if they are encouraging it than how do they have a problem with it since that was their intention. While it doesn't necessarily mean the argument is invalid, let's examine that one since you want to discuss it so bad.

"Liberal government subsidies to single mothers increase'd the illegitimacy rate, which increased poverty, criminal behavior and more illegitimacy."

This is the argument, and we know illegitimacy did increase starting from 60s and up. Okay, you kept saying it was BS, but you never said what makes it false? You implied there were other factors that played a bigger contribution but lets examine that

Couple variables that come to mind is over liberal polices is:
cac discrimination
lack of education
black male incarceration
unemployment or slavery.

All possible variables, and I think you would agree. Actually, pretty sure you blamed it on cacs. Well, pre the 1960s all these attributes were in play, and I think you would also agree to a higher degree(beside incarceration), thus we should expect worse stats pre 1960s and declining stats after the 60s, yet all my research(quick google search) shows blacks to have stronger families and low crime rates from 1890 until the 1960s. How do you explain that?
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May 1, 2012
Hmm, I did consider that, but I thought the context didn't fit the word because she said they have problem with it, but if they are encouraging it than how do they have a problem with it since that was their intention. While it doesn't necessarily mean the argument is invalid, let's examine that one since you want to discuss it so bad.

"Liberal government subsidies to single mothers increase'd the illegitimacy rate, which increased poverty, criminal behavior and more illegitimacy."

This is the argument, and we know illegitimacy did increase starting from 60s and up. Okay, you kept saying it was BS, but you never said what makes it false? You implied there were other factors that played a bigger contribution but lets examine that

Couple variables that come to mind is over liberal polices is:
cac discrimination
lack of education
unemployment or slavery.

All possible variables, and I think you would agree. Actually, pretty sure you blamed it on cacs. Well, pre the 1960s all these attributes were in play, and I think you would also agree to a higher degree, thus we should expect worse stats pre 1960s and declining stats after the 60s, yet all my research(quick google search) shows blacks to have stronger families and low crime rates from 1890 until the 1960s. How do you explain that?
The only argument that I'm discussing is Anne Coulter's "it's not white racism, it's black illegitimacy which was created by liberal social programs". My position is that's a bullshyt argument that has no validity. It's a dishonest racist right wing talking point used to deflect from white supremacy. Black illegitimacy is a symptom of systematic white supremacy, it's not the cause of black dysfunction. Coulter's position is that systematic racism doesn't exist and the state of the black community is due to blacks playing the victim and liberals/democrats enabling them to play the victim. You're stuck on trying to give credence to that black illegitimacy deflection while ignoring the totality of Coulter's position. I'm not sure if you're doing it intentionally or because you're stupid and just don't know any better.

I've proven you wrong on damn near everything that you've said and you don't even acknowledge it. This is sad bruh.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
The only argument that I'm discussing is Anne Coulter's "it's not white racism, it's black illegitimacy which was created by liberal social programs". My position is that's a bullshyt argument that has no validity. It's a dishonest racist right wing talking point used to deflect from white supremacy. Black illegitimacy is a symptom of systematic white supremacy, it's not the cause of black dysfunction. Coulter's position is that systematic racism doesn't exist and the state of the black community is due to blacks playing the victim and liberals/democrats enabling them to play the victim. You're stuck on trying to give credence to that black illegitimacy deflection while ignoring the totality of Coulter's position. I'm not sure if you're doing it intentionally or because you're stupid and just don't know any better.

I've proven you wrong on damn near everything that you've said and you don't even acknowledge it. This is sad bruh.
So you don't have an explanation than?


May 1, 2012
So you don't have an explanation than?
Obviously not one that a stupid fukk like you will understand. I guess this is where you tuck your tail and tap out. That's cool. Btw, it's "then" not "than", dummy.
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