Why you should SERIOUSLY reconsider criticizing Obama on matters of race


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
As usual, you're wrong about everything here. You still have no idea how racism/racial oppression works and based on your posts, you don't want to actually read and learn how this country truly operates. You're pushing bullshyt neo-conservativism without a shred of fact; all you do in your posts is subscribe to ridiculous racist stereotypes that whites and black elites make about the black majority.

What do you know about Black illegitimacy? Do you understand this phenomena in context, especially with the sharp retreat of political and economic gains from the black majority starting in 1978? Do you even understand it in relation to the national trends of illegitimacy? Guess not. In my reading comprehension, the fact that you highlighted her point of Great Society leading to declines in Black progress proves you are a right wing conservative and non-knowledgeable about how the Great Society worked or the lives of the Black majority. Plus, you are so quick to actually dismiss racism as constitutive that you ignore obvious systemic policies and practices.

In short, if you believe one word that comes out of Coulter's mouth, you're a bigger fool than I thought.

All your doing is making a bunch of opinionated assertions, and spinning what I stated, and name calling. You totally ignored/denied the actually argument Ann Coulter put fourth. Instead of wasting a wall of text that amount to nothing but a word-salad with no real point being made beside that you're upset, how about you just make a clear and concise counter argument? and I would be glad to read it! Here, I will make it clear for you what she said since you're obviously confused...

Ann Coulter argument:
Children from broken homes are more likely to commit crime = her First premise which is true, just do a google search
Black illegitimacy has increased from 20% to over 70% since the great society polices have been put in place = her second, true, Premise(src)
while Liberal polices have been in place the deterioration of the Black family has increased =
her Conclusion which is also true, and follows her premises

From her conclusion, she used basic common sense to draw other conclusions; for example, liberal policies must not be working, and that you could make the argument that there is a correlation with liberal policies and the deterioration of the black family which ultimately is the fundamental source for the deterioration of the black community.

I'm fair man who will listen to sound reason. So please, by all means provide your point-view on why this argument is weak with concrete evidence, and not conspiracy theory nonsense. It would be much appreciated!


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
while majority of what Ann Coulter was saying is just bait to get her attention, she did have a point about black illegitimacy stats increasing after the Great Society programs/Liberal polices and how that correlates with black crime rate. And how liberals are hiding that fact by pushing white racism victimization as the primary source to modern day blacks that their failed programs help to create(ofcourse republicans played a part too with Regan allowing Colombian crack dealers to supply crack to black drug dealers who than sold crack to their communities).

So maybe those "c00ns" aren't ignoring racism, they just understand there is a better explanation for the issues that are effecting black ppl today and refuse to buy the narrative that libs are trying to push which is the racist male cac is still keeping you down.
All your doing is making a bunch of opinionated assertions, and spinning what I stated, and name calling. You totally ignored/denied the actually argument Ann Coulter put fourth. Instead of wasting a wall of text that amount to nothing but a word-salad with no real point being made beside that you're upset, how about you just make a clear and concise counter argument? and I would be glad to read it! Here, I will make it clear for you what she said since you're obviously confused...

Ann Coulter argument:
Children from broken homes are more likely to commit crime = her First premise which is true, just do a google search
Black illegitimacy has increased from 20% to over 70% since the great society polices have been put in place = her second, true, Premise(src)
while Liberal polices have been in place the deterioration of the Black family has increased =
her Conclusion which is also true, and follows her premises

From her conclusion, she used basic common sense to draw other conclusions; for example, liberal policies must not be working, and that you could make the argument that there is a correlation with liberal policies and the deterioration of the black family which ultimately is the fundamental source for the deterioration of the black community.

I'm fair man who will listen to sound reason. So please, by all means provide your point-view on why this argument is weak with concrete evidence, and not conspiracy theory nonsense. It would be much appreciated!































Straight Shooter
Jun 4, 2012
That horse faced bytch Ann Coulter has a bad case of Runaway Beak Syndrome(she talks too much)

As usual.


May 1, 2012
All your doing is making a bunch of opinionated assertions, and spinning what I stated, and name calling. You totally ignored/denied the actually argument Ann Coulter put fourth. Instead of wasting a wall of text that amount to nothing but a word-salad with no real point being made beside that you're upset, how about you just make a clear and concise counter argument? and I would be glad to read it! Here, I will make it clear for you what she said since you're obviously confused...

Ann Coulter argument:
Children from broken homes are more likely to commit crime = her First premise which is true, just do a google search
Black illegitimacy has increased from 20% to over 70% since the great society polices have been put in place = her second, true, Premise(src)
while Liberal polices have been in place the deterioration of the Black family has increased =
her Conclusion which is also true, and follows her premises

From her conclusion, she used basic common sense to draw other conclusions; for example, liberal policies must not be working, and that you could make the argument that there is a correlation with liberal policies and the deterioration of the black family which ultimately is the fundamental source for the deterioration of the black community.

I'm fair man who will listen to sound reason. So please, by all means provide your point-view on why this argument is weak with concrete evidence, and not conspiracy theory nonsense. It would be much appreciated!
Liberal whites are just as racist as conservative whites. Trying to dice white people up is a waste of time because they all support/perpetuate white supremacy. Nah the liberal policies haven't worked but it's not like the conservatives have any real solutions to help the black community. The fact that you can hear someone say "haven't we done enough to make up for slavery" then claim that they made a valid argument says a lot about you. What exactly has Amerikkka done to make up for slavery? You just admitted that the liberal policies haven't worked and are in fact destructive to the black community.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Liberal whites are just as racist as conservative whites. Trying to dice white people up is a waste of time because they all support/perpetuate white supremacy.
Nothing in my post had anything to do with arguing which group is more "racist', or racism in general. Literally, the underlining point of my post is pointing out how shyt lib policies has factored into the core "black issues" of today and I made that quite clear here, "So maybe those "c00ns" aren't ignoring racism, they just understand there is a better explanation for the issues that are effecting black ppl today".

I am not sure how you were able to subtract that talking-point from my post, and this isn't just directed at you. I notice sometimes on the root that ppl respond to my post claiming I said something that I clearly didn't say...It's very strange.

The fact that you can hear someone say "haven't we done enough to make up for slavery" then claim that they made a valid argument says a lot about you.
Actually it say's more about you, specifically, that you don't read in full before responding to a post, lol. (check below).

while majority of what Ann Coulter was saying is just bait to get her attention

Also, all her personal views and opinions is not what is in question, and really has no relevancy. For all I care she could believe the sun doesn't exist, and it would have no relevance to me because her views about a unrelated subject does not determine the validity of the argument she brings up about lib polices/black family.

What exactly has Amerikkka done to make up for slavery?
I'm not Ann Coulter fam, lol.


May 1, 2012
Nothing in my post had anything to do with arguing which group is more "racist', or racism in general. Literally, the underlining point of my post is pointing out how shyt lib policies has factored into the core "black issues" of today and I made that quite clear here, "So maybe those "c00ns" aren't ignoring racism, they just understand there is a better explanation for the issues that are effecting black ppl today".
Funny, you say that your post had nothing to do with racism, yet you post a quote of yourself talking about..........racism. Read that quote of yourself to yourself, then come back and explain how it has nothing to do with racism.

I am not sure how you were able to subtract that talking-point from my post, and this isn't just directed at you. I notice sometimes on the root that ppl respond to my post claiming I said something that I clearly didn't say...It's very strange.
I'm quite sure it would seem strange to someone who doesn't even understand what they themselves are actually saying. You just posted a quote about racism(trying to give credence to those who dismiss/downplay it), then said that your post had nothing to do with racism.

Actually it say's more about you, specifically, that you don't read in full before responding to a post, lol. (check below).

Also, all her personal views and opinions is not what is in question, and really has no relevancy. For all I care she could believe the sun doesn't exist, and it would have no relevance to me because her views about a unrelated subject does not determine the validity of the argument she brings up about lib polices/black family.
:heh: Are you really saying that Anne Coulter's views on racism is irrelevant to her argument/position here? Bruh, her overall position here is summed up in the title of the thread, did you even watch the interview? Sounds like you just came in here saw a quote that goes along with some personal agenda that you have and decided to cosign it. Coulter's "it's all about black illegitimacy" bs is nothing but a deflection to white racism. She made these comments in response to Michelle Obama's speech that talked about racism. You look like an idiot arguing that her "illegitimacy" position is unrelated to her views on race. She(apparently you too) talks about black illegitimacy like that's not rooted in white racism.

Nah, I didn't misunderstand you "fam", I'm just not buying that bullshyt you and Anne are selling. "It's not racism, it's the policies of the liberal left". FOH

I'm not Ann Coulter fam, lol.
You're damn sure defending her racist ass though.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
while majority of what Ann Coulter was saying is just bait to get her attention, she did have [a point about black illegitimacy stats increasing after the Great Society programs/Liberal polices and how that correlates with black crime rate. And how liberals are hiding that fact by pushing white racism victimization as the primary source to modern day blacks that their failed programs help to create(ofcourse republicans played a part too with Regan allowing Colombian crack dealers to supply crack to black drug dealers who than sold crack to their communities).

So maybe those "c00ns" aren't ignoring racism, they just understand there is a better explanation for the issues that are effecting black ppl today and refuse to buy the narrative that libs are trying to push which is the racist male cac is still keeping you down.
No the fukk she didn't.

Repeat dumb ass racist talking points brehs :smh:


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Funny, you say that your post had nothing to do with racism, yet you post a quote of yourself talking about..........racism. Read that quote of yourself to yourself, then come back and explain how it has nothing to do with racism.

It is true, in the sense that the post you originally quoted and responded to did not have racism as the central theme which is what you assumed it did when you claimed I was debating one group as more racist than the other. When in fact, I mentioned no such thing and I wasn't even discussing anything regarding racism in that context, or in general(meaning it wasn't a main feature of my post) , but instead the focus was clearly on the validity of lib polices/black family argument. I really don't know how you could miss that.

The quote I put in my post was to make it outright clear from the start that racism was not the underline point I was trying to make hence "better explanations" i.e lib policies was my talking-point. What you're doing is ignoring the context and stating that because I mentioned the word "racism" that in fact I was debating some topic that revolved around racism. The problem with this is I am obviously not speaking in a literal sense which is why I use words like "underlining point" so you understand my meaning and context.

Imagine reading an article about physics and seeing the word "dog" and than telling the author his subject was about "dogs" and when the author corrects you...you respond with, "but I see the word dog". Yes, from a literal point of view he mentioned dog, but that doesn't mean anything regarding his underlining point or central topic which is what he was referring too. It's simple reasoning really, and if you reread my first two post it will be obvious that I wasn't arguing Republicans as more racist than dems or vice verse, or any talking point involving racism as a major component. I don't see were the confusion is coming from.

:heh: Are you really saying that Anne Coulter's views on racism is irrelevant to her argument/position here?

It's irrelevant in the sense that it doesn't effect the stats about black illegitimacy since the great society policies were put in place which is what gave her conclusion merit. Just think about it from a logical point of view. Let's assume Ann Coulter hates animals, did the stats about Black illegitimacy change? No. Now lets assume she loves all animals. Did the stats change this time? Of course not because her personal opinion doesn't prove, disprove, or alter the stats in anyway. It literally doesn't relate or determine anything regarding those figures thus her views are irrelevant, in this context.

Now if I was arguing her personal bias against black ppl than her opinions and personal views would matter, and you would have a point.

You're damn sure defending her racist ass though.
Actually, I stated that one specific argument she made based on evidence that seems to be factual has what I think to be a good point. I invited anybody to make a counter argument to sway my mind but no has so far. I don't see how I am being unfair with this. I even went back over her argument premises point by point and fact check the validity of it myself. I even posted a graph about the Black illegitimacy stats. How am I being unreasonable here?


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
I don't understand how I am out of line here?

Ann Coulter argument:
Children from broken homes are more likely to commit crime = her first premise which is true, just do a google search
Black illegitimacy has increased from 20% to over 70% since the great society polices have been put in place = her second, true, Premise(src)
while Liberal polices have been in place the deterioration of the Black family has increased =
her Conclusion which is also true, and follows her premises

See, I examined her argument and her premise's are valid and i'm open if some has a good counter argument for it that doesn't evolve attacking the person. What am I doing that is so wrong? I don't get it? How do ppl on root refute arguments than? Calling who ever has a different point of view names like c00n?

Sorry for the triple post(idk how to delete post lol)