Why was JFK killed?


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
I witnessed Oswald supposedly get shot, but who knows what happened after they threw him in that paddy wagon?

Jack Ruby died of cancer while in prison:mjpls:

That 911 shyt is tricky and brilliant at the same time.

You have a lot of people who "was there when it happened" and people count them as witnesses, but how many people actually watched the planes go into the building? Some were in Time Square watching it on the jumbotron.They saw the same news feed(there was only one feed available on 911...the CNN feed.All networks used the the CNN feed, they just put their logo on top of it) that rest of us saw.

But because they were "there when it happened" it makes them seem a lil more credible.

All you have to do is get a few of your CIA buddies and disguise them as regular civilians...sorta like this guy 9/11 Eyewitness - FOX Freelancer Harley Guy Mark Walsh - YouTube

Give some generic interview about how you saw the planes "ream into the buildings".

Not only that, this guy figured out why the towers collapse minutes after it happened:shaq2:........the fires were just to intense:heh:

Bruh, we saw the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower on LIVE TV. :youngsabo:


May 19, 2012
Bay of Pigs

Def the reason Jack got clapped. No FBI or CIA involvement. You have to remember the President is the chief law enforcement officer in the nation. It is IMPOSSIBLE to operate any type of high level government conspiracy without his knowledge. FBI and CIA knocking out the commander and chief nah bruh. But this just proves if you deal with the mafia and tick them off royally be prepared for the consequences

Mensch Fontana

Jul 13, 2012
I witnessed Oswald supposedly get shot, but who knows what happened after they threw him in that paddy wagon?

Jack Ruby died of cancer while in prison:mjpls:

That 911 shyt is tricky and brilliant at the same time.

You have a lot of people who "was there when it happened" and people count them as witnesses, but how many people actually watched the planes go into the building? Some were in Time Square watching it on the jumbotron.They saw the same news feed(there was only one feed available on 911...the CNN feed.All networks used the the CNN feed, they just put their logo on top of it) that rest of us saw.

But because they were "there when it happened" it makes them seem a lil more credible.

All you have to do is get a few of your CIA buddies and disguise them as regular civilians...sorta like this guy

Give some generic interview about how you saw the planes "ream into the buildings".

Not only that, this guy figured out why the towers collapse minutes after it happened:shaq2:........the fires were just to intense:heh:

Those shyts fell way to nicely, looked likea controlled demo from the jump :manny:

Uncle Hotep

Jun 19, 2015
When Ben-Gurion said no to JFK

But history shows that some issues are so critical that even the president of the United States cannot force Israel’s hand. Important examples include Menachem Begin’s rejection of Jimmy Carter’s demand for an indefinite settlement freeze in the 1978 Camp David summit, and Ariel Sharon’s refusal to accept George W. Bush’s demand to end anti-terror operations in March 2002, following the Passover attacks, including the Park Hotel. The sharpest example took place almost 50 years ago, when John F. Kennedy demanded that David Ben-Gurion end Israel’s nuclear deterrent program, deemed necessary to ensure Jewish survival in a very hostile world.

When president Kennedy took office in 1961, the disagreement became a full-blown crisis. Like Obama, Kennedy was not inherently hostile (unlike Jimmy Carter), but he did not have a special sympathy for the Jewish people. His advisers urged continuous pressure, assuming that Israel would have no choice but to accept US demands. Every high-level meeting or communication repeated the demand for inspection of Dimona. One form of pressure was to deny Ben-Gurion an invitation to the White House – his May 1961 meeting with Kennedy was a low-key affair at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, and was dominated by this issue.

In some ways, Israel was far weaker than is the case today. Before 1967, the IDF was not seen as a formidable power, and the economy depended on massive aid from Diaspora Jewry. If the US government were to impose tax restrictions, the costs would have been very high. Ben-Gurion avoided saying no by dancing around them for two years.

May 11, 2012
jesus christ is this fake, or scripted, or something :what:

I still maintain that 911 was a movie "they" produced years prior.

Most of the so called witness were apart of the "play".To sell you the plane shyt

The buildings were simply demolished...controlled demolition style.

Then CNN just rolled out the propaganda film in real time.

The CNN feed was the only feed available that day.

Local news syndicates just copied & pasted their logo on top of CNN's

This "firefighter" had been digging through the rubble all day, yet his gear looks brand new

Look at this outrageous shyt

Once you realize it's all one big magic trick, it looks totally ridiculous.The masters of tricknology were in prime form on this one

Here's some bloopers.....They having fun out there

Some of these reporters are plugged in