There is a place and a moment for it. People should be able to express themselves, but there is a manner for it.
Yeah things have changed, but for the worse I think.
there is a double standard when it comes to sexuality, you right. But I think there are some reasons behind it.
But in this case, Faith acted like an idiot.
So we agree that people should be able to express themselves.
But you want to say there's a place and manner for it.
Who gets to decide that. What is the people who get to decide that say it's never a place or manner for women to do it.
Or there's never a place or manner for blacks to do it. "It's not proper decorum"
This is a good convo because it lets me add in another point I've been wanting to make in regards to one of the dame dash threads.
It's about "humility".
These words decorum and humility are just fake things that people want from others, just to make themselves feel good.
They want people to have decorum so we can all lie to each other like everything is a certain way, when it really isn't.
And they want others to be humble so we can all feel good about ourselves.
But no, some people are just better than u at stuff and if they want to tell you how much better they are, then so be it.
Cause No matter what, as soon as they fall, you're gonna bash them anyway.
And as soon as the lady with the decorum has a moment of being human and shows her true nature, you're gonna bash her too.
So it's no sense in being like that unless for some reason you want to be.
But most people only want to be cause it makes others feel better and people are happier when u make them feel good about themselves