But that's not what these guys claim. They say they just have certain right-of-center ideology that is centered around individual responsibility, personal freedom, and limited government that is reflected in domestic policy issues like taxes, budgets, monetary policy, immigration, abortion, affirmative action, education, etc.
Where does thinking a guy who shoots an unarmed black teenager and claims self-defense after he picked a fight with him should get off with nothing fit into that?
The Right only Means conservative. And conservative mean to conserve ideologies and systems...... those ideologies and systems that they support all fall under the umbrella of every piece of the puzzle that lead to the Zimmerman verdict whether they know it or not.
Well, ... they know it, they are just in denial.

everyone knows that ideas like those are just fake phrases....
individual responsibility (bootstraps to succeed --- in a corrupt capitalist society with increasing wealth gaps)
Personal Freedom ( ignoring social movements, and defending 'freedoms' by supporting dictators and killing brown people all over the world)
Limited government ( rejecting 'big brother' liberal policies regardless of 'common good' , oppression union movements, avoiding the fed gov in racial killings or court cases, Being able to promote religious agendas that don't align with fed policies - like not teaching evolution or putting up Jesus Christ billboards, gay marriage)
Immigration ( letting them in to certain south states to allow for slave labor, but not wanting them to form a huge voting block in the areas we Stole from 'Indians' and Mexicans. )
Education ( limiting science education and independent thought helps with control, and pushing a private charter system allows for the masses to have sub standard and a the few others to have great educations)
Taxes ( wanting to kill anyone who even seems socialist, brain washing most people to believe in trickle down economics -- pretending that big businesses not paying their share = more jobs, sucking off Regan and allowing him to replace Jesus Christ as the new made up god of white people )
You need brainwashing, media manipulation, racial stereotypes, class preference, and a private prison industry to make all this shyt work...... When 'minor things' like Travvon's death occur -
u need that pool of confused blacks to back ur racist pov so that it doesn't seem as bad. Their JOB is to call everyone else bias and to say I'm black and
Right and you all are just black/brown followers.