Have you ever been on the HUFFINGPOST website? A liberal website? People criticize Obama for all of the above. Like i said before people like yourselves over generalize and dramaticize things WAY too much off simply MSNBC alone.
Everything you just listed Obama gets criticized for
Google right now random stories about the "drone wars and Obama" and see what the "liberal media" is saying since you seem to live in some fantasy world.
Another thing with Bush is that everything he did was unpopular; He did not have significant domestic achievements to have as a badge of honor.
Who was the one who broke that huge story(although it was already partly known but they confirmed it more) detailing how secretive we were about the drone attacks and civilians and how we were so scummy that we were not counting civilian deaths properly and giving lower numbers on purpose. The NYTimes right?
Hmm isn't this the "liberal media'' Mr the liberal media excuses Obama for everything is talking about? I don't think NYTIMES is conservative is it? Not to my knowledge
I guess Obama having an approval rating at one point in the early 40s is the dangerous liberal media in action right?