I stopped listening when he reductively and without data claimed states as the major sources of death in the worlds history. I thought this was gonna be an interesting economic comparison maybe with some negative income tax but its just pandering conversion material.
@DEAD7 is this part of your weekly viral marketing quota for the Mises Institute
To the left of liberals on almost every social issue.edit: let me preface this by saying I didn't watch the video
don't they go pretty liberal on a lot of social issues?
With the exception of mother nature, what has caused more human deaths than big government? I'm fully ready to accept his claim as false if you can provide evidence.
If you want to place the burden of proof on libertarians, we will point to communist Russia communist China, and nationalist/socialist Nazi Germany.
People kill people, government don't kill people. Can't have freedom and then pawn off responsibility on a metaphysical "Big Government" entity.
With the exception of mother nature, what has caused more human deaths than big government? I'm fully ready to accept his claim as false if you can provide evidence.
If you want to place the burden of proof on libertarians, we will point to communist Russia communist China, and nationalist/socialist Nazi Germany.
To the left of liberals on almost every social issue.
With the exception of mother nature, what has caused more human deaths than big government? I'm fully ready to accept his claim as false if you can provide evidence.
If you want to place the burden of proof on libertarians, we will point to communist Russia communist China, and nationalist/socialist Nazi Germany.
So the dude in your video doesn't have to provide evidence x but people who disagree with him do?
With the exception of mother nature, what has caused more human deaths than big government? I'm fully ready to accept his claim as false if you can provide evidence.
If you want to place the burden of proof on libertarians, we will point to communist Russia communist China, and nationalist/socialist Nazi Germany.
People kill people, government don't kill people. Can't have freedom and then pawn off responsibility on a metaphysical "Big Government" entity.
Drug legalization, gay marriage, equal rights, take your pick. What do you think democrats are left of libertarians on?No they're not.
I don't need to be a libertarian. I'm already a liberal basically.
Libertarians are borderline treasonous selfish @ssholes.