Why Mr_X been getting that pass?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
All this time I thought breh was a troll account, either a Black man trolling as an ignorant White man or a White man pretending to be a Black man trolling as an ignorant White man.

Then I just saw him post something that made me think...nah, man, only a white breh from Europe woulda said some shyt like that.

I ain't got nothing against White European brehs, but I could remember some suspect stuff this guy had said. So I check his history...how has he not been exposed already? Is it because it all just looks like trolling and we let trolls chill around here?

As a white man i gotta say, wouldn't say i'm jealous but black men do have better hair and hairstyles in my opinion.
People with your last name are:
79.31 % white
0% black
3.09% asian
7.4% hispanic
I'm white and the chicks that blatantly threw themselves at me were not white.

This fat black chick at work who i've never talked to besides "Hello and goodbye" told me i was cute and looked younger than my age out of nowhere and asked me if i've ever been with a black chick before. I automatically said i had a girlfriend even though i didn't :francis:
I've never claimed to be black, in fact i've posted my ethnic background before:yeshrug:
Here come the coli militants with their fake outrage because a person of another race killed a black man over some dumb shyt.

Meanwhile, nikkas out here killing each other over Jordans and it's all good.
No. They're actually scared of the other 50 nikkas that are gonna jump him when they knock a nikka out :mjlol:

Unless he kept pummeling that nikka while he was KTFO, there was absolutely no reason for that other nikka to jump the cac at the end.
They shot the fair one. Let him take his W :manny:
From the way the fat man talked to them with no respect whatsoever, to the way he grabbed him like he was a child and practically begged them to do something while humiliating them in public. Some major sonning happened in that video.

I really don't see how can anyone spin this situation as a W for ol' boys. Unless you're a p*ssy ass nikka yourself :mjlol:

When someone grabs you by your collar that should be your cue to swing, don't you think? :yeshrug:
Dont be dappin me callin a nikka on here a bytch ass nikka:what: Its our word not yours, this was Martin Luther Kings dream:myman:
This cac just dapped your post. What are you gonna do about it? :pachaha:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
bytch so salty, sounding like she lived in an utopian black society for the last 8 years :mjlol:
Black people are extremely condescending and baby each other to exhaustion. No one is ever hold accountable for their actions.

As long as you're black, you will always be a victim of the white system and not of your bad decisions.

How dumb do you gotta be to not see through this chick's agenda and how she keeps targeting the most popular rappers in the game?
Legit thought this was a joke thread until i've read the replies. Ol' bytch is :scust:

Feed into the stereotype that black men will smash any white women that breathes :mjlol:
I'm in London and i see numerous black man wifing and fathering children with legit white whales/war pigs on a daily basis

The thread title is meant to be ironic. You got these so called "queens" out here doing some of the most foul shyt.
Like 99% of the forum i make angry posts about white people and refer to them as cacs a lot. That's how i help improving the black community.
Black Queen :blessed:

White excellence :blessed:

Because hating on Lebron is one of my favorite hobbies. It's just something i like to do :yeshrug:
I've seen black men of different nationalities hating on Ronaldo before for some reason.

Deep down they can't stand to see a cocky and swagged out white man, ballin' on and off the field, pulling models and living the life. So they'd rather root for a fake humble midget instead.
This was supposed to be the era of the black QB. Instead the coli had to witness back to back white excellence. They obviously still in their feelings :lolbron:
Crowder been a bytch and you can neg me all you want but i still think he bumped into Hayward in mid-air on purpose causing his injury. No one could have predicted Hayward would break his ankle but it was a dirty play regardless.

fukk that Serena Williams looking motherfukker:pacspit:

A few days ago i was driving my car, while driving through a descending turn, right at the end of it and out of nowhere this little black girl who looked no older than 2, so obviously lacks the awareness, decides to leave the sidewalk and walk onto the road.

I had to hit the breaks really quick and was like a feet away from hitting the little girl, smell of burned rubber in the air and then this black woman on the opposite sidewalk and further down the road comes running to grab her child.
:what: So because of this one instance you make a thread about black woman?
Often i see black kids by themselves in public places and black woman walking behind them but further away :yeshrug:
Are black people really trying to claim and culture vulture classical music? C'mon now :mjlol:
Damn shame how coli militants would rather see a black child grow up fatherless :sas2:
"I can only accept songs about violence and ignorance if it's a black man spreading that message." - Coli posters :mjlol:
Black people will have to eventually start accepting the fact that some whites will be better than them at their own shyt.
So in a situation involving a white and a black man you coli militants always gotta defend the black man's perspective even if you completely disagree with him, other wise you will be labeled a c00n? That's pathetic :mjlol:

Bunch of brainwashed yes man is what ya'll are :pacspit:
People in this thread saying there are no rules in street fights.

Correction: As usual there are rules until the black man starts getting his ass kicked :mjlol:
And the coli says whites are obsessed with blacks.

Never seen anywhere this number of threads about black people on white forums :skip:


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad