Easy fix:
1 - have a section for both men and women to objectively rate people based on a full body picture of members of the opposite sex (scale 1-10)
2 - have profiles with no pictures but with physical descriptions (black male, Hispanic male, etc) and hobbies interests music etc. BUT have their scale of 1 - 10 rating. (Example: black male, 5 11, average looks rating voted by users: 7.5, interested in rap music, no pets, powerlifting and reading)
3 - men and women would be allowed to see what the rating is, as well as what they rate themselves, and what they rated a potential mate.
So you could see that “Jessica” rates herself an 8, average user rates her a 6.5, you rated her a 6 and decide that maybe you rate people too harshly, or that you don’t want someone rated 6.5, or that you like her confidence rating herself an 8
Either way there would be more dates if specific looks were removed yet people had an indication of how people looked. Herd mentality: if everyone else thinks you’re attractive I probably want to date you as well.
It would also be a very eye opening way for women to feel the rejection that men feel and “lower” their standards. Lots of women with nerf ball sized belly buttons think they are 9s because a bunch of thirsty dudes will stick their dikk in anything