What about them?
LOL. So are you one of those people who thinks that Egypt is not in Africa?
What about them?
I just want to make sure this isn't the same "god" that parted the red sea.
The Yorubas have 4,000 spirits, Vodou have 1,000 spirits, Santeria have 400 + 1 spirits. They worship spirits, I worship God.
I'm a Christian, but I know about African spirituality very well...as I should, since Christianity was birth out of the same country.
OKKKKkkkkkkkkkkkk..... how do you know the Yorubas have 4,000 spirits have YOU yourself interacted with them? In African spiritual practices it's the difference between knowing about something or simply believing in something, the more you practice the greater the understanding. There are babalawos, houngans, and santero who are charlatans out here just because someone sets up a temple doesn't mean they are in fact what they truly claim to be.
You're a christian if you haven't attempted to delve into that side of existence you should practice it first before coming to conclusions so confidently.
LOL. So are you one of those people who thinks that Egypt is not in Africa?
We are way past theoreticals down here in Florida, The Africans, Haitians, and Cubans are setting up altars in their house. Who do they have to convince by speaking about their spirituality?
Like I said there is only about 2 or 3 people on this site who know what they are talking about.
Pull up all my posts, print them out, and bring it to anyone who you feel is an authority and see if they find errors. Until then...put me on ignore or something.
Ask any of the African practitioners and they will tell you that you have more barriers to dealing with those African spirits than you do with dealing with God.
Spirits are not stationary like real estate they don't remain in one place forever they exist throughout different planes some choose reincarnation, others become elevated or inaccessible to certain practitioners over a period of time.
I'll keep you on ignore though since statements like this warrant it.
You sound like an idiot.
One word: divination.
Who does the divination? If a spirit does not want to work with you it doesn't matter what method of divination you choose, that spirit is in fact inaccessible to you.
I'm the idiot though
Ask any of the African practitioners and they will tell you that you have more barriers to dealing with those African spirits than you do with dealing with God.
@ directly connected to the spirit.
Do you know anything about spiritual culture?
Religion is rules and doctrines, you think you can practice African spirituality without rules and doctrines? Ask any of the African practitioners and they will tell you that you have more barriers to dealing with those African spirits than you do with dealing with God.
This is the most comical thing about the whole pro African spiritual movement, people know nothing about what they promote.
Also, the IFAs will tell you their spiritual conjuring do not work against devout Christians, so the whole idea that Christians don't have spirituality is false.
I've only come across 2 or 3 people on this site who actually knew what they was talking about when it comes to African spirituality. Everyone else just like the idea about anything pro-Africa.
I'm in Ft Lauderdale, and we have those Santeria/Vodou/IFA Botanical shops all over the place especially in Miami, and talking to anyone working with the Spirits they feel pretty neutral towards Christians and don't go out of their way to take shots at them. And I feel pretty neutral towards them, and I don't go out of my way to shots at them.
Its usually the uninformed Christians, Atheist, & anti-religion types that takes that route.
there's no doubt that Semitic langauages originated from the the Arabian peninusla. Judaism and Chiristianity in the Ethio/Eri highlands originated from the Aksumites(proto-habeshas) who had extensive trade and cultural links with West Asia and Yemen(Sabaean) . The semitic languages of Ethiopia is categorised as south semitic which also includes the Yemeni native language groups.
These links goes in depth of how Christianity and Semitic languages arrived in the Horn of Africa
Read your comment, you said Semitic languages originated from East AfricaWhy was I quoted? The Semitic languages are a branch of Afro Asiatic.
Read your comment, you said Semitic languages originated from East Africa
Read your comment, you said Semitic languages originated from East Africa