Rhonda got people talking because before this past monday this whole feud was DOA, and it remains to be seen if the momentum will carry over to Wrestlemania. This still doesn't feel like Wrestlemania season at all.They got y'all hooked and talking about the Ronda situation so it's definitely working
It's still a work thoRhonda got people talking because before this past monday this whole feud was DOA, and it remains to be seen if the momentum will carry over to Wrestlemania. This still doesn't feel like Wrestlemania season at all.
Richard fleir
Batista will come out next
"Hey paul levesque do i have your attention"
But what does “WrestleMania season” feel like?Rhonda got people talking because before this past monday this whole feud was DOA, and it remains to be seen if the momentum will carry over to Wrestlemania. This still doesn't feel like Wrestlemania season at all.
You know exactly what wrestlemania season feels like. They put the focus on the matches that are set for the ppv, and the people involved have a much more noticeable intensity to them. Hell even last year had better hype than what we're getting right now. If you really want to know what WM season feels like then go back and watch the RAW and SD episodes leading up to X7-XIX.But what does “WrestleMania season” feel like?
This is said every year, when was the last time it felt like WrestleMania season?
Also I think a huge part of the problem is this forced Fastlane ppv. It’s not needed and it forced match ups nobody wants to see and there is no reason to have two ppvs between rumble and mania. All they have done is convolute the storylines just to give this ppv meaning.