No I know why he did it , and how you put it is how it should of came across . Im going to reread schism and xforce again because I didn't follow all of xforce . But your right I liked wolverine and the xmen at the beginning but after awhile the kids were in just as much danger with him as with Scott so I hoped they would realize that at some point ( maybe during a vs x) but instead they decided they want to portray Scott as a terrorist . Which in most of the events he does in his xbook is ridiculous he saves persecuted mutants and destroys sentinels not plots to destroy humanity like magneto .Well honestly, I don't get how heads say Logan "c00ns" its up, but as far as his switch in motivations, majority of that was handled in his solo books and not in the main X-Books. Marvel has usually done a poor job of explaining character motivations in their huge crossovers, you usually have to go the side books for the real meat on that.
Basically Logan had been going through major issues with kids and death in X-Force, his solo titles and reaching over to some X-books. Him and X-Force spent the entire run debating the morals of killing the Child Apocalypse and chose to let his clone stay alive, he killed a group of superpowered criminals that he later found out to be his own children, he had been dealing with the estranged relationships with his own Daken and X-23, all the while being a mainstream hero with the Avengers while still being Cyclops's goon with the X-Men. He finally reached a breaking point.
Now, I'm not saying it was handled the best, because I've commonly said Wolverine's choices were a "business decision". Marvel made the choice to have their cash cow be a mainstream hero and not a rogue tweener that many of the X-Men have been placed as.
With Cyclops, I think most people can understand why he took the path he did but in Wolverine's eyes, Cyclops was always supposed to be the Yin to his Yang. He good positive image to his lone wolf killer image. But as the years went on, Cyclops got even more grimy than Logan was at some points and he realized he had no counterbalance for himself. As quiet as its kept, Logan is actually a very idealistic hero and person, despite everything he's been through. Seriously. If he wasn't, he wouldn't even be a hero. Everything about him from his origin, to his experiences to how far he's been pushed and used by everyone is classic supervillian origin stuff, yet Logan is a hero despite all of it. Logan, at his core, is a guy who wants to do go, but doesn't really know how to on his own. He's always needed or felt like he needed that guidance and with Cyclops, Scott was the guy that kept the ideal of what an X-Man is about. When Scott started switching it up to darker territory, Logan never would have felt the need to change to his current status quo. Had Logan not switched it up, him and Scott would have wound up being mutant mercenaries.
And the business decision way they decided to make him place the avengers over the xmen always had me like ehh cap never gave a shyt about mutants while Scott gave his whole life to the dream and repeatedly saw the mutants get killed and the government not Caring . So while Scott might have been misguided his heart was in the right place iron mans dumb ass is the one who fukked with the Phoenix .
Then choosing a puppet leader in Alex to lead the avengers while saying Logan isnt a safe choice