A traditionalist of what? ?
The kind that whose one slight difference fukks all the appreciation for a series that is practically unchanged. I mean, let's be real, how much does J. Storm being black actually change the FF series? You can lie to yourself all you want but don't lie to me that the Storm's siblings bond was that tight that a small change in the story to adoption fukks up the whole relationship between Sue and Johnny.
You're out here making it seem like in the comics Johnny and Sue would every 5 pages look at each other and say shyt like:
"Omg Sue it's so uncanny how you have mum's eyes and dad's nose!" - J.
"And you have Dad's weird way of just staring at people Johnny! But thank God you're as ADHD as mum because as soon as a girl walks in your attention is gonna shift faster than I can say 'Aw thanks'." - S.
Was there even any issue where Johnny and Sue talk about how similar they are to their parents? Because if there isn't, then I don't see a problem with Johnny or Sue being adopted. But you do, so I'ma let you

The fact is that Johnny and Sue care about each other as siblings just like adopted siblings can care for one another, so again, the story remains unchanged. Because the original franchise isn't even really about their biological sibling relationship as the fans are now trying to make it out to be.