Yeah, i hear you. It was a lot of politics and crap.
In Jericho's book he talks about a meeting he had with Hogan, Goldberg, & Bischoff about a match with Goldberg. Everybody was on board til Goldberg killed it saying it was his PPV off.
they say that wcw was talking about doing a brand split.
thats the only way they couldve got a steady flow of new main eventers going, cuz that roster was way too crowded. thats why i dont criticize wcw about the new stars thing.
but the wwf was fresher, even tho they didnt neccessarily have the better product. austin & rock were basically hogan & warrior. between the rock getting the belt and wcw having a string of dissappointing ppvs at the same dam time, it was easy to chose the wwf.