Why is stone cold steve austin above rock?


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Yea until wm 17-2002. Fans only liked him when g brought out the nikka side. Been tellin nikkas that dawg. That late Rock is almost Rocky Maivia wit sum testosterone shyts or sumthin. Far cry from the Corporate Champ
Rock was more vicious on the mic in 2000 than the Corporate Champ version.....he destroyed Stephanie in early 01 post Rumble for the hell of it.

And the Rock did some unheard of $hit at the 2002 WWF brand split draft. There ain't nobody from the Attitude/nwo era the has this kind of crowd control..

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Stone cold was still just flat-out better than the rock in every capacity.
That is why people place scsa.
as either the goat or the greatest drawing grappler in history, pick or choose.

Imo, from a workrate standpoint Daniel Bryan, Bryan Danielson is the goat tho.
Which is only because scsa had his ability to operate consistently in a mat based workrate realm limited.
All from being injured via piledriver by Owen hart.
If not for that occurring scsa would have sewn up being the goat in every possible avenue and variable of the argument.

Since the injury occurred, I like to think of the goat being a number of separate titles, now.

Like ric flair is the most entertaining long term draw in wrasslij history. Flair is the goat in that regard.
Scsa passed the drawing rate and work rate quality of draw that is hulk Hogan.
So, he is the highest drawing goat in wrasslin history by volume of profit.
The rock would be the greatest entertaining draw in wrasslin.
Whereas I feel behind that right now, Daniel Bryan is the goat in terms of workrate and actual match quality and use of inring match innovation all time.

If scsa is never injured I feel he would have just been the goat period and would not have to share the title if goat being splintered.
So, imo it was circumstance that upended why someone would ask, why/how is rock and scsa comparable.
There really is no comparison.
As scsa was just a higher overall quality everything incomparison to the rock, from a wrasslin standpoint.

As scsa appearance on Nash bridges was so naturally fluid for a newcomer.
That the actual first appearance of scsa on Nash bridges is exactly how and why the rock could have been viewed as a larger movie house draw.
If scsa never appears in Nash bridges.
The possibility of the rock to be a headlining movie draw is never an actual realistic possibility.
Scsa ability to be fluid as an actor on Nash bridges as a basic noob.
Is why and how the rock is the draw he is now.
With no scsa, the rock being able to permeate to the large screen. singlehandidly outdrawing every contemporary in film as a box office draw does not ever exist as a prospect.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Think of Austin as magic Johnson/Larry bird where the company would have folded without him.

And the Rock is the Michael Jordan where he took a fairly great product to even bigger heights

I can't say that the rock is the Michael Jordan of wrasslin at all.
As, the rock was never as solid an actual workrate guy at all Incomparison to the scsa.
Plus, air Jordan is the best skill and bball IQ player of all time and execution player of all time. The rock was never that level of worker skillwise as an inring workrate based worker.
As a matter of fact, if the smashmouth me style is never ushered in. after the Owen hart injury by scsa exclusively.
There exist no match template or rubrick that allows the rock to elevate up the card.
As scsa pretty much wrote the smashmouth me playbook.
That allowed lesser workrate guys like the rock and hhh to permeate to me status as draws and workers.
If the smashmouth style is never ushered into the whole of the company.
There exists no ability or template for the rock or hhh to actually ramp up as draw and as inring workers either.
If there is no scsa and Mick to create the five star sports entertainment template match.
Then, the WWE never has an outlet workrate quality wise.
that allows lesser workrate brand workers the ability to permeate up the card.
Nor, does the brand of fukkery that arose ever have a quality barometer.
So, the injury to Austin and his ability to be malleable to the circumstance.
Is why the WWE actually rebounded in draw and permeation to create a boom period.
If no Austin and no Owen hart or Mick Foley.
It never happens or comes to fruition for wwf as an overall promotion.
As, there is no prevalent inring workrate or style to permeate to gateway mainstream viewership.
So, Austin being there is exactly why and how the rock or anyone from the attitude era is the draw they were/are.

Art Barr

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
Rock overtook Austin in 1999 and was certainly bigger than him in 2000 and that is all with less booking. Remember, they took Rock out of the main event and put him in a program with Billy Gunn when he was beginning his peak. Of course fans shyt on the notion Billy Gunn being anywhere near the level of Rock but that just shows what kind of booking he was working with.

Rock also never won a world title at Mania.. His booking was always a joke but he prevailed

i saw the writing on the wall for this whole debate back then. rock is gonna get those props from the analyzers with no bias. but hes never gonna get the overall credit he deserves.

1999: austin gets hurt not long after the rock becomes more popular, so austin avoids getting bumped down by the public eye.
2000: the rock becoming the 1st ever TIER 0 wrestler to not get the obvious wrestlemania moment. i couldnt believe it. he still hasnt had that moment either. smells like 'cism to me.
2001: austin comes back as a fresh face after a year off. then gets to wrestle the rock in the attitude era's version of the ultimate challenge IN HIS BACKYARD.

Rock was bigger in 2000 because Austin wasn't around.

rock already passed him up in 1999.


we gonna act like WWF wouldnt have been BIGGER if HBK was floating around the main event scene while austin/vince were feuding. HBK-Rock HBK-Kane HBK-Owen HBK-Mankind 98 HBK-Val Venis etc all would've been great and only helped the WWF and whoever he was feuding with :beli: not to mention a rematch feud with Austin wouldve been dope

HBK was in the way breh.

wouldnt have worked out for the best.

Austin had a hurt neck since 97 but left 2and a half years later. Always thought that was sum paranoid bullshyt by Austin and Vince. Fans were still uncertain in summer 99 but by I forgiven I say they made up their minds. Fans were siding with Rocky over Austin ev n made me feel unvomfortable. Give Austin a year away, give Rocky time to c00n cause he's now the top face and a
Main event in his hometown of course and u got Austin havi g an edge until the invasion shyt ended

you think austin deciding to tend to his injury when he did was contrived?

thats a good ass point.


Troy, the God
Jul 24, 2015
Prob a handful of general threads I coulda tossed this in but I never realized before what a hard ass bump Brisco takes at the 4:00 mark :heh:



Dec 11, 2015
i saw the writing on the wall for this whole debate back then. rock is gonna get those props from the analyzers with no bias. but hes never gonna get the overall credit he deserves.

1999: austin gets hurt not long after the rock becomes more popular, so austin avoids getting bumped down by the public eye.
2000: the rock becoming the 1st ever TIER 0 wrestler to not get the obvious wrestlemania moment. i couldnt believe it. he still hasnt had that moment either. smells like 'cism to me.
2001: austin comes back as a fresh face after a year off. then gets to wrestle the rock in the attitude era's version of the ultimate challenge IN HIS BACKYARD.

rock already passed him up in 1999.


HBK was in the way breh.

wouldnt have worked out for the best.

you think austin deciding to tend to his injury when he did was contrived?

thats a good ass point.
When did bret hart ever get his wrestlemania moment?

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
When did bret hart ever get his wrestlemania moment?

Mania X you could say I guess

Rhyme n Tekniq

Mar 22, 2017
When the Nation of Domination turned on Rock, we saw the makings of a legend with his brief face turned til he joined the corporation.
Then his fall out with the corporation is what really propelled him to the top. The whole time him and Austin paths kept crossing, propelling them at the same time.
But when Austin was out of the picture, and triple H went on his reign of terror, The Rock returning in like 2001 with the low cut, no side burns and slimmer look is what shot him past stone cold by a decent margin. The time between austin being away and the rock gettin his 1st taste of Hollywood got stale very quick with Triple H squashing people left and right, The Rock just so happen to return sooner and the fans embraced him harder than ever.

You really cant have one without the other. they were perfect rivals ,lightning in a bottle for real. Whenever they were on screen together it was like De niro and Pachino . Neither were less or greater than the other in the grandscheme.


Jun 4, 2012
When the Nation of Domination turned on Rock, we saw the makings of a legend with his brief face turned til he joined the corporation.
Then his fall out with the corporation is what really propelled him to the top. The whole time him and Austin paths kept crossing, propelling them at the same time.
But when Austin was out of the picture, and triple H went on his reign of terror, The Rock returning in like 2001 with the low cut, no side burns and slimmer look is what shot him past stone cold by a decent margin. The time between austin being away and the rock gettin his 1st taste of Hollywood got stale very quick with Triple H squashing people left and right, The Rock just so happen to return sooner and the fans embraced him harder than ever.

You really cant have one without the other. they were perfect rivals ,lightning in a bottle for real. Whenever they were on screen together it was like De niro and Pachino . Neither were less or greater than the other in the grandscheme.

Rock passed him up permanently in late 1999

Some of yall stay with this revisionist history. Rock never surpassed Austin. Equaled him at many points, yes. But passed him? Nah.