True... but anti-heroes really don't have restrictions as well. Wolverine, Deadpool, The Punisher, Han Solo and etc do what the fukk they want and are loved and respected by everyone. Which is why its kinda baffling that WWE don't go that route again. They promoted top guys like Austin, Rock and Thugonomics Cena that way they could do the same with guys like Finn, Seth, Nakamura and Roman. Guys like Ambrose, Braun, Samoa Joe and Randy "Racism Outta Nowhere" Orton are prime examples of guys that do what the fukk they want to do good or bad and the crowd loves them for it which is why Orton had one of the biggest pops of the night in Saudi Arabia.Being an a$$hole is so much easier than being mr. nice guy
Just like super heroes and villains, super heroes have rules they follow... villains don’t have the restrictions
I’d be a heel easily
edit: It's the reason why The Bullet Club and Los Ingobernables de Japon which started off as a couple of major heel stables are one of the most popular groups of anti-heroes in wrestling today.