This gen sucks for new content period. We're already what, nearly 2 years in and the only 'next gen only' games are Ratchet and Clank and Returnal? Everything else is just cross gen.
As far as Triple A games on gamepass, Microsoft set themselves up for that backlash by setting that expectation in the first place. People now have the expectation that they should constantly get $60 games to play for $16 a month subscription fee. I realistically don't see how this subscription model is feasible over the long-term, especially if you're a company that doesn't have other cash cows like Microsoft to hold you over. Microsoft used those AAA games to draw people in, but it wasn't sustainable and they are trying to tide people over with indie/non AAA games and people are rolling out... but this was to be expected. They can't keep giving you several 60 to 70 dollar products for 16 a month.