Why is every woman in the bible either a whore or somebody mama?


May 29, 2012
The Rucker
Nah...Deborah from The Book Of Judges was with the shyts.


Deborah was a prominent figure in the Book of Judges in the Hebrew Bible. She is described as a prophetess, a judge, and a leader of Israel. Deborah’s story is found in Judges chapters 4 and 5.

Here are some key points about Deborah:

1. Prophetess: Deborah was one of the few female prophets mentioned in the Bible. She received divine revelations and was known for her wisdom.

2. Judge: As a judge, Deborah held court under a palm tree (often referred to as the “Palm of Deborah”) where the Israelites came to her to settle disputes.

3. Military Leader: Deborah played a crucial role in leading the Israelites to victory over the Canaanite army, led by General Sisera. She summoned Barak, an Israelite military commander, and instructed him to lead an army against Sisera. When Barak expressed hesitation and asked Deborah to accompany him into battle, she agreed but foretold that the glory of victory would go to a woman, not to Barak.

4. Song of Deborah: After the victory, Deborah and Barak sang a song of triumph, known as the “Song of Deborah,” which is recorded in Judges 5. This song is one of the oldest parts of the Hebrew Bible and celebrates the deliverance of Israel from their enemies.

Deborah’s leadership and courage are highly esteemed in the biblical narrative, making her one of the most notable female leaders in the Bible.