wade turned into a crying flopping hoe once lebron came
simple as that
i get the sense that wade was under the impression that he would still be the man after lebron came. Now that he's basically a role player hes miserable.
Its obvious he hates his job.
He look like he wants to sabotage lebron
ONly you are talking about careers though. If you were choosing a team with players in their primes, and you chose jerry west over wade, then you might be the timberwolves GM.
Jerry West making all defense teams means nothing. He was overrated and he should have won more rings considering who he had on his team. When talking SG's, it's
1. Jordan
2. Wade
3. Kobe
4. Drexler
5. West
I love the fact everyone can see how stupid you are and document it for future references
Really? Now I feel like the retard who made this thread ... http://www.the-coli.com/coliseum/117655-myth-lebron-james-makes-his-teammates-better.html
Hmmmmm, , I got 28 daps on that initial post meaning that people agree that the myth about LeBron is stupid and needs to be deaded
HOWEVER......You should feel like the retard that said from 2005-2008, Eric Dampier was one of the best Centers in the NBA
So, 28 daps means you aren't stupid and the content of your post is correct? What if all 28 of those daps came from equally retarded kobestans? American school systems fail again. That's dumber than your reasoning within the post.
In another display of intelligence, you claim I made a statement that I never made. Let's make a deal, find the quote where I said Eric Dampier was the best, or you can admit that you are stupid.
I suppose the people with the most dap on this board are the most intelligent