Why is being promiscuous and hoe behavior praised nowadays?


Nov 21, 2016
:mjlol: Praised?? Do you be reading nikka's comments? Women get shammed for being percieved as such.


Mar 11, 2022
You gotta go back to the "sex tape" leak era that made women famous for having no skill no talent just hoeing in the right circles. They got fame and money not shame. Changed everything

You are watching the subsequent generations that were informed and raised in that era. They took that mold and improved upon it to societies detriment.

My issue is this forum like the rest of the internet is full of men who can't turn away from these same thots on any platform. We are supporting this shyt then complaining about it. Look at your likes your follows, your explorer pages... Look at your suggested media. Tell the truth brehs.

Value systems are entirely broken...it's easy to scape goat women or particular industries but the truth is we all play a part. The praise comes from those who conduct themselves as such who don't want to be held to any higher standard. For example that thing called sexy Red that is teaching kids that being a good girl is trash and yet being invited to speak in schools (showing up high too). These are the major influencers of young women today.... :francis: meanwhile young men are looking up to serial killers like Von and crash dummies like Pooh Sheisty.

Modern humans abandoned religion without carrying the lessons or the value system. Western Society is not based in a Christian values as strongly anymore. hoeing is empowerment. Lack of boundaries is progressive. Standards are repressive. No one person to blame and no one solution. Everyone needs to be the difference they want to see and have individual accountability first and foremost then surround themselves with the like-minded. Uphold certain values and thus foster better communities.

I find too many times these discussions are more concerned with who's to blame. Like anything we discuss here... Is it the Kardashians or Paris Hilton? Doesn't matter who was the catalyst or inspiration. Nobody had to follow suit. What is lacking today on a broad scale is individual accountability. Everyone wants to fit in and do whatever everyone else does then blames their influences etc. That shyt is not cutting it and there's no change coming if we can't correct ourselves and stand for something. All of us not just women or men. We have absolutely damaged and forsaken generations of the future. They won't beat this programming in their lifetime, it is part of their foundation. Even if we start correcting this shyt today it will take several generations to wean out the poison. The state of urgency is really not setting in for brehs. Grim future...
REP! (Can’t rep you again yet)

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Because deep down, no matter how much they deny it, dudes love hoes.

If they didn’t, porn, porn stars, only fans, Twitter, etc. wouldn’t exist.

Once women saw men’s actions verses that bullshyt they talk in front of other men, it was wide open.

And now we’re here.

This is when I knew shyt was changing.


:francis: ...........
