Why is America so Segregated


All Star
Dec 8, 2012
Not like USA tho. In england from what i know u might see some communities living in the same area thats not segregation, by here in every state blacks live in their own areas.

Englands multicultural. No one cares your color etc etc. same with canada.

I know breh. I was just pointing out it ain't all peachy in Europe either. European cities often feel more "organic." Like the housing/human population spread naturally, and people fall where they may. Where as U.S cities are like newer grid patterns, and blacks where put in this part, and whites in the other.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Segregation is natural, its integration that's not, I don't know why people (American Blacks mostly) are still shocked by this

This isnt right. Segregation is a product of social conditioning, and not some biological or natural impulse.

For instance, if you put very young children in a room together, they will not naturally segregate, and gravitate to kids who share their racial assignment. Kids of different hues will recognize differences, but they wont view that as any sort of impediment to interacting with one another, because they dont attach any meaning to the difference. To them its the same as being blond vs. being brunette. You see this play out in elementary schools all across the country, where there is much higher racial integration on playgrounds.

Its not until we start conditioning children that certain races are undesirable, that they start to pick up on racist cues and act accordingly. By high school age, teenagers are in recognition of those racialized meanings, and then start to gravitate towards their "group". Its socially created, not "natural".


Still hiding
Apr 4, 2013
This isnt right. Segregation is a product of social conditioning, and not some biological or natural impulse.

For instance, if you put very young children in a room together, they will not naturally segregate, and gravitate to kids who share their racial assignment. Kids of different hues will recognize differences, but they wont view that as any sort of impediment to interacting with one another, because they dont attach any meaning to the difference. To them its the same as being blond vs. being brunette. You see this play out in elementary schools all across the country, where there is much higher racial integration on playgrounds.

Its not until we start conditioning children that certain races are undesirable, that they start to pick up on racist cues and act accordingly. By high school age, teenagers are in recognition of that racialized meanings, and then start to gravitate towards their "group". Its socially created, not "natural".


This is so true breh. When i was in middle school like 5 years ago. i used to stick with black people necesserily cause them people wernt messing with us heavy.

My high school was really segregated.

You'd have all the blacks in an area and all the whites/asians in another. They were not messing with us and we were not messing with them

Idk whether it was cause my school had a small black population.

Never gave it much thought then but know im like :dahell:

Lucky college aint like that :smugdraper:


May 18, 2012
Detroit is hella segregated. I've never gone to a school with more than a handful of ofays.

When I grew up I didn't know 1 white kid that lived around me.

dj vtg

Jun 11, 2012
I know breh. I was just pointing out it ain't all peachy in Europe either. European cities often feel more "organic." Like the housing/human population spread naturally, and people fall where they may. Where as U.S cities are like newer grid patterns, and blacks where put in this part, and whites in the other.

this is actually fact..


May 7, 2012
Wasn't until I left America that I realised how crazy segregated it is..... But it seems to work I guess.....


All Star
May 11, 2012
This isnt right. Segregation is a product of social conditioning, and not some biological or natural impulse.

For instance, if you put very young children in a room together, they will not naturally segregate, and gravitate to kids who share their racial assignment. Kids of different hues will recognize differences, but they wont view that as any sort of impediment to interacting with one another, because they dont attach any meaning to the difference. To them its the same as being blond vs. being brunette. You see this play out in elementary schools all across the country, where there is much higher racial integration on playgrounds.

Its not until we start conditioning children that certain races are undesirable, that they start to pick up on racist cues and act accordingly. By high school age, teenagers are in recognition of those racialized meanings, and then start to gravitate towards their "group". Its socially created, not "natural".

I understand that but why isn't that social conditioning natural too, It's been around sense the beginning of time, It usually starts with family, blood is thicker than water, It's proven that while getting older we naturally become more conservative, maybe it's because of more responsibility but with being more conservative also means being less accepting, that's why you tend to see older people less accepting of change and I am not talking about racial change, refusing to listen to a generation's music, technology, etc.. so those older people will naturally associate with those who don't subscribe to things they are not comfortable with. I think as people get older they also they tend to become more aware, segregation has more to do with being comfortable and secure than anything. Most people think segregation only extends to race, I am not just focusing on color.


Mar 21, 2013
I was under the impression that Europe was actually worse than America, and that Canada was no better than America with all the stories I heard. Will add it back to the list of places to travel to anyway.

But yes, I live in St. Louis and we are, by far, one of the worst offenders of this. In fact, historically, there was a massive migration of white people from the urban areas back in the 60's and 70s (they left the city to move to what would become rural and suburban areas).


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
england is wayyy less segregated.. even holland and belgium

if you were born there and go to america you will feel like you went back in time.

race is the main issue for everything all the time for americans regardless of skin colour

But you are missing the point! Black Americans did not CHOOSE to make it about race.

You have a warped sense of reality because PRETTY SOON, those nationalists Europeans are going to start OPENLY discriminating against non-whites. Did you not observe the white protests against "Muslims" in the UK?

Europe is overrun by immigrants and their DESCENDANTS and many Europeans don't like that. There's plenty of segregation in the UK and France. In France they don't even want to hire Africans or Arabs. And Muslim women are PROHIBITED from wearing had coverings in schools.

And many poorer Africans and Arabs live in the outlying areas in POVERTY, like outside of Paris.

:cape: Keep thinking that Europeans (who colonized and/or enslaved much of the WORLD) are "moderate". That's rubbish. They're going to start throwing Africans/Arabs/Pakistanis OUT of Europe and no one will care.
Trust me... if they don't accept other Europeans, they don't want Africans/Arabs/Asians.

Europe is about to collapse economically and trust me, they WILL be scapegoating all the foreigners.

And if you're not white in Europe, you're a foreigner, born there or not.


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
Far right on rise in Europe, says report | World news | The Guardian

Far right on rise in Europe, says report

Study by Demos thinktank reveals thousands of self-declared followers of hardline nationalist parties and groups

Europe's 'nationalist populists' and far right - interactive
Peter Walker and Matthew Taylor
The Guardian, Sunday 6 November 2011 12.17 EST

Extremist Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik (left), who went on a killing spree in Norway in July. A new Facebook-based study has revealed a rise in far right political views throughout Europe. Photograph: Scanpix Norway/Reuters
The far right is on the rise across Europe as a new generation of young, web-based supporters embrace hardline nationalist and anti-immigrant groups, a study has revealed ahead of a meeting of politicians and academics in Brussels to examine the phenomenon.

Research by the British thinktank Demos for the first time examines attitudes among supporters of the far right online. Using advertisements on Facebook group pages, they persuaded more than 10,000 followers of 14 parties and street organisations in 11 countries to fill in detailed questionnaires.

The study reveals a continent-wide spread of hardline nationalist sentiment among the young, mainly men. Deeply cynical about their own governments and the EU, their generalised fear about the future is focused on cultural identity, with immigration – particularly a perceived spread of Islamic influence – a concern.

"We're at a crossroads in European history," said Emine Bozkurt, a Dutch MEP who heads the anti-racism lobby at the European parliament. "In five years' time we will either see an increase in the forces of hatred and division in society, including ultra-nationalism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and antisemitism, or we will be able to fight this horrific tendency."

The report comes just over three months after Anders Breivik, a supporter of hard right groups, shot dead 69 people at youth camp near Oslo. While he was disowned by the parties, police examination of his contacts highlighted the Europe-wide online discussion of anti-immigrant and nationalist ideas.

Data in the study was mainly collected in July and August, before the worsening of the eurozone crisis. The report highlights the prevalence of anti-immigrant feeling, especially suspicion of Muslims. "As antisemitism was a unifying factor for far-right parties in the 1910s, 20s and 30s, Islamophobia has become the unifying factor in the early decades of the 21st century," said Thomas Klau from the European Council on Foreign Relations, who will speak at Monday's conference.

Parties touting anti-immigrant and Islamophobic ideas have spread beyond established strongholds in France, Italy and Austria to the traditionally liberal Netherlands and Scandinavia, and now have significant parliamentary blocs in eight countries. Other nations have seen the rise of nationalist street movements like the English Defence League (EDL). But, experts say, polling booths and demos are only part of the picture: online, a new generation is following these organisations and swapping ideas, particularly through Facebook. For most parties the numbers online are significantly bigger than their formal membership.

The phenomenon is sometimes difficult to pin down given the guises under which such groups operate. At one end are parties like France's National Front, a significant force in the country's politics for 25 years and seen as a realistic challenger in next year's presidential election. At the other are semi-organised street movements like the EDL, which struggles to muster more than a few hundred supporters for occasional demonstrations, or France's Muslim-baiting Bloc Indentitaire, best known for serving a pork-based "identity soup" to homeless people.

Others still take an almost pick-and-mix approach to ideology; a number of the Scandinavian parties which have flourished in recent years combine decidedly left-leaning views on welfare with vehement opposition to all forms of multiculturalism.

Youth, Demos found, was a common factor. Facebook's own advertising tool let Demos crunch data from almost 450,000 supporters of the 14 organisations. Almost two-thirds were aged under 30, against half of Facebook users overall. Threequarters were male, and more likely than average to be unemployed.

The separate anonymous surveys showed a repeated focus on immigration, specifically a perceived threat from Muslim populations. This rose with younger supporters, contrary to most previous surveys which found greater opposition to immigration among older people. An open-ended question about what first drew respondents to the parties saw Islam and immigration listed far more often than economic worries. Answers were sometimes crude – "The foreigners are slowly suffocating our lovely country. They have all these children and raise them so badly," went one from a supporter of the Danish People's Party. Others argued that Islam is simply antithetical to a liberal democracy, a view espoused most vocally by Geert Wilders, the Dutch leader of the Party for Freedom, which only six years after it was founded is the third-biggest force in the country's parliament.

This is a "key point" for the new populist-nationalists, said Matthew Goodwin from Nottingham University, an expert on the far right. "As an appeal to voters, it marks a very significant departure from the old, toxic far-right like the BNP. What some parties are trying to do is frame opposition to immigration in a way that is acceptable to large numbers of people. Voters now are turned off by crude, blatant racism – we know that from a series of surveys and polls.

"[These groups are] saying to voters: it's not racist to oppose these groups if you're doing it from the point of view of defending your domestic traditions. This is the reason why people like Geert Wilders have not only attracted a lot of support but have generated allies in the mainstream political establishment and the media."

While the poll shows economics playing a minimal role, analysts believe the eurozone crisis is likely to boost recruitment to anti-EU populist parties which are keen to play up national divisions. "Why do the Austrians, as well as the Germans or the Dutch, constantly have to pay for the bottomless pit of the southern European countries?" asked Heinz-Christian Strache, head of the Freedom Party of Austria, once led by the late Jörg Haider. Such parties have well over doubled their MPs around western Europe in a decade. "What we have seen over the past five years is the emergence of parties in countries which were traditionally seen as immune to the trend – the Sweden Democrats, the True Finns, the resurgence of support for the radical right in the Netherlands, and our own experience with the EDL," said Goodwin.

The phenomenon was now far beyond a mere protest vote, he said, with many supporters expressing worries about national identity thus far largely ignored by mainstream parties.

Gavan Titley, an expert on the politics of racism in Europe and co-author of the recent book The Crises of Multiculturalism, said these mainstream politicians had another responsibility for the rise of the new groups, by too readily adopting casual Islamophobia.

"The language and attitudes of many mainstream parties across Europe during the 'war on terror', especially in its early years, laid the groundwork for much of the language and justifications that these groups are now using around the whole idea of defending liberal values – from gender to freedom of speech," he said.

"Racist strategies constantly adapt to political conditions, and seek new sets of values, language and arguments to make claims to political legitimacy. Over the past decade, Muslim populations around Europe, whatever their backgrounds, have been represented as the enemy within or at least as legitimately under suspicion. It is this very mainstream political repertoire that newer movements have appropriated."

Jamie Bartlett of Demos, the principal author of the report, said it was vital to track the spread of such attitudes among the new generation of online activists far more numerous than formal membership of such parties. "There are hundreds of thousands of them across Europe. They are disillusioned with mainstream politics and European political institutions and worried about the erosion of their cultural and national identity, and are turning to populist movements, who they feel speak to these concerns.

"These activists are largely out of sight of mainstream politicians, but they are motivated, active, and growing in size. Politicians across the continent need to sit up, listen and respond."

Voting trends

As a political party, having tens of thousands of online supporters is one thing but translating these into actual votes can be quite another. However, the Demos survey found that 67% of the Facebook fans of the nationalist-populist groups which put up candidates – some are street movements only – said they had voted for them at the most recent election.

Further analysis found that female supporters were more likely to turn support into a vote, as were those who were employed.

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Aug 6, 2012
I was under the impression that Europe was actually worse than America, and that Canada was no better than America with all the stories I heard. Will add it back to the list of places to travel to anyway.

But yes, I live in St. Louis and we are, by far, one of the worst offenders of this. In fact, historically, there was a massive migration of white people from the urban areas back in the 60's and 70s (they left the city to move to what would become rural and suburban areas).

i was looking at stl demographics and it was shocking to me coming from ca and in a very mixed area to see the way people live out there

i was like yall dont even have mexicans.... just either pure white or pure black....

race relations in that city have to be the worst in the country