Haven’t read through the thread yet. Has anybody blamed Black women yet?
But seriously, this isn’t new.

Reasons vary but all of it is social conditioning. Hip hop culture drove a lot of this for young black males viewing white women and exoticals and spicy Latinas defining them as what’s “poppin”.
There’s is going to be a shift in black female thot rap that follows this trend soon. Mark my words. Slow ass black female rappers gon soon be talking about only wanting redbone men with straight hair they can run they fingers through. Coming to a ep mixtape near you.
Add positive stereotyping of non-black women as being “submissive or feminine”, colorism, and Black women image being associated with poverty and the ghetto and you get the handful of black men who are marriage-minded thinking that whiteness or anything but blackness is the answer. In spite of many anger-filled bitter scorned hoe tears from countless posters on this site towards me, I’ve been saying this shyt for years.

Sorry. I can’t resist because these lames be mad as hell wit it too.)
Meanwhile, a lot of black women generation Z chicks are stupidly following the exact playbook they ironically mad at black dudes for following. But just like a lot of these black dudes have problems in these IR relationships, a lotta black women will get their wake up calls too. Because in spite of the issues we have in our community, foreign communities have JUST as much fukkery, if not more. Then you adding the possibility of racism, cultural differences and language barriers on top of that...AND these chicks being food for any man they meet regardless of race because they got bottom of the barrel self-esteem. AND the increased risk for women due to their vulnerability when it comes to dating men regardless. There’s a reason why a lot of women ain’t YOLO on foreigner dikk like that in most races in comparison to their men (Asians got some crazy shyt going on because them chicks chase a bag over anything.)
But oh well. You can try to tell people that the stove is hot, or you can watch em ignore you and catch them 8th degrees burns.

Solutions: Teach black love. Not just in relationships. But black self love. Little black girls and little black boys should look at this
And this
as the prototype. Sure others in other races can be attractive. But not more attractive than what we see when we look in the mirror if you got two black parents.
Fix black image, fix black self-esteem and you fix black love.
The rest is white noise and excuses. All that “they accepted me more” shyt or “I ain’t have nobody black on my level...” it’s excuses.
Because saying the truth for a lotta people is too hard apparently and gets people hurt.
Saying “Im a mentally broken buffoon who has internalized every single negative stereotype about the opposite sex in my own race and the top attractive people in my race don’t want me, so I’m going to switch it up completely for a non-black mate, date a non-black 5 and treat em like a dyme, take all kinds of racist, insulting shyt from them that I wouldn’t tolerate from somebody in my own race because their social value will give me the validation I need to overcome my inadequacies from wanting high value Black mates who didn’t want me in the past.”

I’m sure not everybody in an IR relationship is like this but a lotta people seem to have these hang ups.

And whites profit from all races vying for them while they get the pick of the litter.
Or just ignore all of this and watch our race to the bottom continue as we get more Eve’s willing to c00nsplain for racist MAGA white husbands and more Chelsea Handlers socially pegging 50 cents in the media as he can only fix his mouf to bully blacks.