Cel 510 kid ados forever
This thread is incredible
The first half was spent juelzing about why Black men marry out at twice the race, folk positing that it's a consequence of proximity in higher education until facts were presented showing that Black women outnumber Black men in these spaces.
Once that ship sailed, nikkas moved to the anti intellectual shaming tactics because the stereotypes about Black women they hold dear aren't bolstered by real world data.
This would be worth nothing more than an eye roll offline where it's more difficult to track down people's documented opinions, but on a forum where we can see 8 years of history on related topics, the hypocrisy takes on a special quality.
Imagine Black women were marrying out at twice the rate of Black men and I, Matt504, came in the thread saying "why yall p*ssy watching, this isn't something we should be concerned with in the first place"
Fact is most ados blacks marry each other
Alot of ir dating isnt us
But black men marry out more cause men are diff from women
Marriage rates arent to important cause most bp arent married
From a regular relationship basis the numbers are pretty even bm bw
Its a problem with both genders but of course matt504 believe its all black men fault