Tha Blaq Lýba'rhaésheýun Nhetwerqq
Too bad this isnt coming out right?
I Wish It was Brah

Too bad this isnt coming out right?
They were villains forced to fight villains.The closest we got was Suicide Squad but they made them anti-heroes. They marketed them as the worst of the worst but in the actual movie they were further than that.
Yeah Slade Wilson has a good backstory that you can make a movie out off. Done right you can have the movie ending and leading in to a Batman film where Bruce has to undo Slades actions from the first film.I'm Gonna Need a deathstroke Movie. :BigQuint:
Dc Is Dark So they can do it Marvel? I dunno bout that with Disney At The Helm They Would Water it down to much defeating the point of a villain movie to begin with all the one liners jokes and stuff
I think it could work if you can write a book about villains I don't see why you can't have a movie about one. action movie heroes kill people left and right so if you put someone like Kraven or Deathstroke or Gorgon From marvel at the Forefront of the film it could work. I Think it would do best as Rated R Though
I think this has a lot of potential i remember the ultimate version of the sinister six had them busting out of prison and having Norman Osborn blackmail Peter Parker into joining the team to help assinate the President.I really would have liked to see that sinister six film by drew Goddard that sony was doing.
Just to see how they would have handled it.
I think we may still get it down the road if the venom film is a success.