Why would The Most High, creator/creative force behind all things need for human beings to defend its honor? Regardless of the religion. The whole concept of the Almighty needing defense from its mortal creations is vain and arrogant on humanity’s part.
Is The Most High’s existence and power threatened by people talking shyt about it? If so then God is not all powerful or even powerful at all.
NO! When people defend their “God” to the point of killing others what they are really fighting for is their OWN interests. Their OWN personal identity. Their OWN power and position on this planet. Their OWN heritage/culture/family history. It’s an act of arrogance, egocentricity, and ethnocentricity fueled by their insecurity in of how fragile their place in the world. This includes everything from the crusades to the civil wars in the Middle East to the Klan.
The creator of the universe don’t need your fists or your gun!
That’s a lie people in power have been selling their “subjects” for ages to redirect their fear, insecurity to use for their own gain. Whole concept is silly. God (and mankind) existed waayyy before 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 years ago when these texts folks base their whole existence upon were created.