Yo nikka
@Rice N Beans ran away again as logic and reality has broken his nasty stannary ………again
At some point I let stupid be stupid and it doesn't require me responding to your quotes.

A good marker is when the crux of your stance has naturally devolved into things like:
still reaching
Sony stans
When you have no counter points.
Also, recycling the same things:
It’s not me ignoring context and cherry picking.
Every single naughty dog game over the last 15 years has launched with a multiplayer mode.
TLOU2 did not. That was two years ago, and the multiplayer is still not out. And there’s still been no upgrades to the original $60 game.
Yet halo is free and only 3 months in and you got all the smoke
TLOU2 is an SP game receiving an additional MP mode. All store pages and physical boxes are correctly listed as 1P, and it was announced without it.

There was no expectation for MP from the jump.
Halo Inf was announced with MP. Historically, it features at the minimum equal focus with the SP side and in some cases surpasses that focus. However, with Infinite, the MP is lacking exceptionally in content on its own & in comparison to previous releases, released with the BETA tag and flipped to "release" state in two empty weeks of no content. Since release, mostly store changes instead of actual content. Current MP removes many user supported features from previous titles, and is shunned for spending six years of development with a glorified demo to show for it.
If anything, TLOU2 MP may have more MP content in less time than what 343i pushed with Infinite's MP.
Needs six and a half years for anything more than what they have currently (sad!), the future support time frame is apparently ten years and they'll probably need all ten years to have MP in a state like previous releases using 343i's current track record.
Basically, Halo is underwhelming considering the scope, whereas you have an outlook of something extra with TLOU2. I expect that to be underwhelming (never really liked Uncharted's MP), but it's passing expectations already by virtue of being there on a targeted SP only game. This is why TLOU2 gets a pass. You can hate it, deny it, put more smilies into it, but that's the way it currently is.
Larry on.