Not at all.
Finesse learned to pocket his flows and up skill to goat level In vocal tonality.
Art Barr
If you ever go on reddit, the cacs and euro cacs have Lifestylez Ov Da Poor & Dangerous as a top 3 album. This behavior draws heads to be more critical of L.
This is attached to rhe slash fard fan raciat ideal. That sprung up to try to play this selective game. Fske centered around their headfake slash disconnect to hiphop. When rhe commercial boom for hiphop.
When the glass ceiling was shattered.
after pac and big died
At least they give someone skilled props the way their skill said it should be awarded.
Although it has alterior misappropriation style motives
The push back comes from a misguided place from toy fans. Playing rhe same misappropriation games as rhe hiphop infinity crowd. As both contingent of fans are misappropriation style toys. Trying to fake a look for clout.
Before clout was coined.
as this mainstream term.
in internet-dom style slang.
Art Barr