and dude is acting like the budget for every game is the same. so you think a game like Warhawk has to sell like COD to be successful man???
hell, the new President of THQ(ex-Naughty Dog owner) said it himself that even Uncharted's budget is nothing compared to most games that are considered blockbuster titles and that is the direction he wants THQ to take in game development.
I know we all have our preferences and yours is obviously the XBOX brand but to act like anything that doesnt sell over 2+ million(physical ONLY) is a flop is you just being blind with fanboyism man especially when it comes to your perception of the PS brand.
and how are you talking about the quality of PS3 games anyway. you've played:
Battlefield 3
Uncharted 2 & 3
DC Universe...with 0 trophies
NCAA Football '11
most of which you've barely played
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