Even the Black Spider-Man (Miles Morales) has electric powers
His powerset is doper than just regular spiderman's tho because he has an venom bio-electric shock BUT also invisibility...
Even the Black Spider-Man (Miles Morales) has electric powers
dont forget Black Electro
they also dont have elements to their powers or equipment.
miles morales is half puerto rican and i think the white tigers are tooI wish I had more examples but most comic book characters are white.
I couldn’t name many puerto ricans either if asked.
Three more great examples.
Black Adam is EgyptianBecause by the time they created the black characters they made them last and didn’t want to give them the usual power set
They needed a unique power set that made them also stick out in their universe
Why would the justice league recruit another super strong fast guy? A lightning one though
As for static he was created after hearing the song static by James brown so he can't help it
Black adam should not be on this list he’s not known for his lightning powers
There's not that many electric heros when you think about it
VixenEvery black superhero can be put into four categories
Those with electric powers as OP stated
Super strength
Black version of a white superhero
Name any black super powered character and see what I mean