If it were unhealthy to eat rare and medium rare then every steakhouse and high star restaurant would be getting sued out of business. A lot of those places the chef won't even let you order a steak/burger past medium.
I'll take my steaks medium now. I used to do medium well, but I feel like most places tend to cook medium well like it's well done
Rare is a no go for me. I might take a bite of medium rare.
bytch ass cracker I better not see you post shyt about black peoplebecause it taste better medium rare
I had to grow up to appreciate a good medium steak that's prepared excellently.
Grandma had me eating $35 dollar jerky till I was 33.
Thisbecause it taste better medium rare
Same for me, I'll go rare if I know Im at a legit quality steakhouse. Some folk bet gettin that pittsburg rareRare to medium-rare steak for me
I don't know what African tribe I'm a descendant of... but I been about that medium rare life since I was like 12 and I have no idea where it came from..... My grandparents refused to let me use the stove unless I was gonna cook my burgers all the way through
They'd check too. My granddaddy called me a parasite cause I like that pink in the middle....
said my real daddy was a mosquito