Why Do We Act Like Michelle O. Is Attractive?


Nov 22, 2013
You can't see her face, silly, so how can you make such a statement?

Those horrible chicks I posted were Barry's girlfriends. One even wrote a book about him.

Genevieve Cook
Alex McNear

How about you google that?

well cant save him on those his girlfriends including his wife are unattractive. On a brighter note He somewhat redeemed himself with this quote about ms harris

by far the best-looking attorney general,"

Oct 9, 2013
I have been to Angola plenty of times to know so. I said on average. You are posting an ugly village girl, it would be like me posting Honey Boo Boo and asking you if the majority of americans look like them. All of the tourists that I've seen look like this


Is this what you americans call PAWGIN? Is this what you guys jack off too on instagram? This looks like an american IG model to me, because this is the majority of americans I see.

Go to a club in Luanda and see what you find. :shaq:
:whoa: That village girl isn't ugly.


Aug 29, 2013
I think she's nice, smart, dresses well and seems like an overall sweet woman.

Why take a shot at her because she's not as hot as a 22 year old?


Jan 18, 2014
Beauty and personal attraction are largely subjective. While I don't want to accuse anyone in here of self-hatred as it would be unfair, not to mention I haven't read every post in this thread, but when I read the thoughts of people saying she's unattractive, I can't help but wonder if self-hatred is rearing it's ugly head. It's just a thought, not accusing anyone, but one can't deny the effect that media has had on what we're "supposed" to find attractive and unattractive. When I browse the comments on news articles related to Michele Obama, I notice people speaking on her looks in an especially venomous manner. All of those ones making such comments are opposed to the Obamas politically and idealogically, but a fair portion of that same crowd are also quite simply, racist. She would be an ugly spearchucker to them regardless of her and her husband's political affiliation. That said, when I hear someone black express similar sentiments, I can't help but wonder if the one colonized is simply projecting the thoughts of the colonizer.

You’re going easy on em, it is absolutely self hatred

Think about it for a moment. When it comes to politicians…when are their wives ever over analyzed the way Michelle Obama is? When has anyone gone out of their way…on virtually any forum or news article with Hillary, Chris Christie’s wife, Mitt Romney’s wife…etc., to talk about how ugly & “manly” they look

It never happens…except of course by some ignorant black people(mostly of the Bossip kind). Whenever they see a man that happens to be a black celebrity or famous male, how “bad” their wife or girlfriend is supposedly matters. And when they aren’t attractive by society’s standards, the response is “if you’re that famous you can’t pull a prettier b****, etc. etc.” That kind of shallowness is exactly why most of these very people will never end up with a good person they can trust and love. You get what you are

Is Michelle my type? No, but there are plenty of women who aren’t. Doesn’t mean I have to go out of my way to call her ugly. Just because something isn’t your cup of tea, doesn’t mean you have to tear it down.

And although there are no such things as “white features” or “black features”…and you can find women & men with a wide variety of looks regardless of which country they’re from, fact is what society considers beautiful IS to a European standard of beauty. There’s a vast difference in saying someone is pretty has “white features”…versus saying that our standards of beauty is rooted in what Europeans have historically considered beautiful. Before Kim Kardashian, being that curvy was “Fat”. Once upon a time afros & dreadlocks were considered hideous. Mixed people were also once considered hideous because they were tainted with “black blood”. All the things people are bickering about on here are completely cultural. Until recently a woman of color used to NEVER win world beauty pageants. We’re still subject to society’s ignorance, all you have to do is scroll through this thread and see how much we rely on stereotypes and images.

The only last thing I would add is the stupid point that Obama married Michelle because he wanted to marry a black woman, as if Michelle is the only black woman in Chicago. The ignorance in here is exactly part of what’s wrong with the world. As our standards of beauty continue to change, Michelle may never be top model status but more & more people will be more than okay with calling her beautiful. I guess we should expect this overly critical thinking with the 1st black POTUS & FLOTUS

Why can't she just be ugly? Why does everyone have to hate themselves because she's ugly? The reason people come off so venemous is because alot of people (not saying you) try to make Michelle out to be a beacon of black beauty, when everyone who has eyes can see that she isn't. If she was just Michelle Obama the senior partner at Sidley Austin...you wouldn't care that people thought she was ugly. You only care because of who she is. For example, I don't think Condeleeza Rice is that attractive either. People won't get mad at me saying that, because they don't care enough about her to defend her :heh: but, if she was Barack Obama's wife and the First Black Lady, you'd be in here tryna tell me I hated myself and my black skin for saying this :heh:

Classic example ^^:pachaha::pachaha:

You went that hard to criticize Mitt Romney's wife too? It's a great thing people call her beautiful, and she is. You should ask yourself why you're so offended bruh