Beauty and personal attraction are largely subjective. While I don't want to accuse anyone in here of self-hatred as it would be unfair, not to mention I haven't read every post in this thread, but when I read the thoughts of people saying she's unattractive, I can't help but wonder if self-hatred is rearing it's ugly head. It's just a thought, not accusing anyone, but one can't deny the effect that media has had on what we're "supposed" to find attractive and unattractive. When I browse the comments on news articles related to Michele Obama, I notice people speaking on her looks in an especially venomous manner. All of those ones making such comments are opposed to the Obamas politically and idealogically, but a fair portion of that same crowd are also quite simply, racist. She would be an ugly spearchucker to them regardless of her and her husband's political affiliation. That said, when I hear someone black express similar sentiments, I can't help but wonder if the one colonized is simply projecting the thoughts of the colonizer.