The ironic part is that because of the "out-of-Africa" migration, we actually have much more in-common with Europeans and Middle Easterners (genetically) than Pacific Islanders.
There are seven major DNA haplogroups. Africa has all of them: L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 and L6. The rest of the world outside of Africa descends from just L3. The people that left Africa and went to the Fertile Crescent/Middle East and Europe all came from L3. From there smaller groups kept moving east towards Asia, the Pacific Islands and later the future Native Americans going across the frozen Bering Strait.
Each group that moved further from Africa became smaller and smaller with less genetic diversity. It's why you'll see Pygmies, swole Nigerians/Ghanians but then giant-super tall Dinka warriors all on the same continent. Polynesians are a branch of us just like Europeans but they're more genetically removed from us even though in terms of phenotype, they look a lot more like us than some random Scottish or German dude.