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nuh such ting as "black" where your people from on both sides
You an Israelite ?
My pops Black my mom Asian 50/50 dude
nuh such ting as "black" where your people from on both sides
Nah... brah. I just use logic and science not pseudoscienceYou an Israelite ?
My pops Black my mom Asian 50/50 dude
copyNah... brah. I just use logic and science not pseudoscience
Some Black ppl be like "I be glad to see Blacks and whites have babies together. It makes white racists mad."
I'm different. I just be glad to see Blacks have babies with Blacks.
You think tom joyners dad looks blacl?!?!???It's tricky because some black people that "look" mixed, will have two black parents (Tom Joyner as an example). I'm a live & let live kinda breh. If a light skint person, even if they're mixed, wants to help and roll with Team Black....I'm not going to discourage them. Frankly, it's the brown skint Negroes we gotta watch anyway.. They be the main ones making fun of dark skint folks in school and then calling out the lite brites in the same breath. Always stirring up shyt. Them boo-boo browns
I’m black as hell, dark as Kendrick Lamar yet 23andMe showed I was 18% European. So if I’m almost 20% white with my shade of skin then most of these hoes y’all lusting after gotta be 28-35% white. Maybe more.
Your stupid ass keeps pushing these idiotic narratives when alot of it isn't truenikkas wanna have their lightskin hoes. In Africa, they’d be rightfully called “coloured”. You’re doing out little black girls a disservice when you make them think the “black” beauty standard is someone that’s HEAVILY mixed. It’s to the point where I’m nauseated watching black television and movies sometimes because the woman in the story is ALWAYS some high yellow mixed looking broad. You got all these clowns talking about you can find those skin tones in Africa (you can but it’s very very rare as most people are dark brown because that’s our NATURAL phenotype). I’m black as hell, dark as Kendrick Lamar yet 23andMe showed I was 18% European. So if I’m almost 20% white with my shade of skin then most of these hoes y’all lusting after gotta be 28-35% white. Maybe more.
dna to phenotype doesn't work like that
I'm glad to see anyone from an African bloodline live in a productive family and be a solid person. We don't need kids bein born just to be born.. Lotta aint shyt women and mens out here raising raggamuffins.