That nikka is a dumbass pawger who is has some weird fascination of trying to push LS or any black person who ain't DS to being White. Because his ass caught feelings for folks calling his bedbuck ass out.
What do you mean? If you're being born from the pairing of white and black blood, you are not black.![]()
You the dumbass. Lot of you yankees have a lot of white DNA. So called "blacks" in America look more white than "mixed" African and white people. This thread funny as fukk but Im a darkskinned Jamaican so I don't have none of these identity problems.. let mulattos call themselves what they want.Your stupid ass keeps pushing these idiotic narratives when alot of it isn't true
Being lightskin =/= being more white dumbass
That nikka is a dumbass pawger who is has some weird fascination of trying to push LS or any black person who ain't DS to being White. Because his ass caught feelings for folks calling his bedbuck ass out.
dna to phenotype doesn't work like that
This the best you can come up with? Damn some of y'all limited as fukk.
More mixes than black and white, too. If you mix Asians and Whites, would they be considered white? No. Same thing goes for Black and any other race
This is a lie because if you look white they will accept you as such and if you don’t they won’t. It’s that simple but y’all love romanticizing white folks on here.This is only because white people dont accept them, there just as much white as anything else.
I know but it’s a rough proxy.
I’m between these two guys skin tone and I’m 18% white. So these light brites have to be extremely white.
again, basing it on complexion is very misleading because these 2 afram chicks are both less than 18% white and many non-americans would assume that the're biracial
I never said it was perfect. Genes are a mixed bag, two people can be the same percentage wise but, end up with a sequence of genes that make their skintone different shades. But, its a good rough estimate. This is because in general, full blooded Sub-Saharan Africans don't look like Steph Curry mom. You might find the one off example but, in general they don't, which is why Africans have a whole different racial category for people that look like that. It is extremely rare for someone like her to not be mixed. If you have that kinda skin tone, its very safe to say you have a whole lot of nonblack blood in there.
who said you could? New World Blacks are creolized genetically, so what they see as "mixed" vs "pure" is going to be different for obvious reasons.
Tons of Coli posters
“All phenotypes are found in Africa”is what they commonly say when they wanna act like there’s 100 million Draya’s walking around hot humid ass Africa.
you can find similar phenotypes in africa though if you include western sahara/upper west africa and then if you go east to North Sudan, Egypt and then, Ethio-Semetic speaking populations,
You probably will but I’m sure most are mixed. Especially Egypt, North Sudan and the Maghreb.
Black people look black. I don’t know why it’s like pulling teeth with people. If you lined up a billion Africans, 900 million will be brown and dark brown.