All this ranking shyt is subjective.
This is the same TBRB that had Carlos Takam ranked higher than Miller, Breazeale and Ruiz Jr. after suffering three losses.
This is the same TBRB that had Ortiz ranked higher than Wilder before they fought.
This is the same TBRB that had Breazeale ranked #9, but for no reason, removes him off the list before fighting Wilder and replaces him with Kubrat Pulev.
Go look at who decides the "rankings" @ TBRB. The only recognizable names/faces on that list are Raskin, Donovan, Rold, Abramowitz, Salazar, and Donovan. Hell, out of its members, it has five Asians and just one lone brother I've never heard of.
They don't even abide by their own
rules and guidelines. (Although close losses and poor wins may be reflected in the rankings, the Board will refrain from nullifying the official results, with one exception: If over 75% of the Board agrees that the judges’ decision in a
non-championship bout is egregious enough to constitute a “robbery”, then the official winner may be ranked lower than the official loser.)
According to their own rules and guidelines, the rankings are finally decided by the
three chairs (Cliff Rold, Tim Starks & Vittorio Parisi) . It is they who have the final say on where a fighter is ranked.
To prevent factionalism, three chairs will arbitrate input and weigh arguments to arrive at reasonable boxer placements. The chairs will serve as facilitators, conduits, and
deciding parties as necessary.
All members are invited to propose, discuss, affirm and contest contenders’ movements within divisional rankings.
Weight of argument is considered by the chairs primarily in terms of how much support it garners from the rest of the membership.
After Ward-Kovalev I, according to their charter, they respected the decision (when most of the press row thought Kov won) and put Ward above Kovalev.
Pre Ward-Kovalev I Post Ward-Kovalev I
After GGG-Canelo I, according to their charter, they respected the draw and kept both guys ranked the same.
Pre GGG-Canelo I Post GGG-Canelo I
After Wilder-Fury I, according to their charter, they didn't respect the draw and put Fury over Wilder in their rankings.
This is the same organization that claimed it was created due to the Ring's shenanigans since being acquired by GoldenBoy.